Time-lapse, pictura, Alex Done
7 – 24 martie, Galeriile Constantin Brancusi
(in incinta Palatului Parlamentului), str. Izvor, nr 3
Vernisaj – Vineri, 7 martie, ora 19.00
Ciclul Time lapse propune o incursiune in universul spatiilor intermediare si al realitatilor incomplete, un comentariu privind recalibrarea ciclica a memoriei subiective. Un fragmentarium uman, o abordare in loop a reperelor biografice carora le sunt substituite locuri comune. Un circuit montagne russe suspendat intre obiectiv si subiectiv, prezent si trecut. Enjoy the ride.
The Time-lapse series is an immersion into the realm of intermediary spaces and their incomplete realities. A comment regarding the cyclical recalibration of the subjective memory, a human fragmentarium, a loop-type approach to biographical benchmarks that are replaced with common places. A montagne rousse circuit suspended between the objective and the subjective, the present and the past. Enjoy the ride.
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