8-29 martie 2019
Atelier 35, str. Șelari 13, București

Atelier 35 is delighted to invite you at the 4th shoptalk on art, culture and society with the invited artist Ioana Sisea introducing to the local audience the manner in which she translates into her artistic practice issues of taste, class, gender and sexuality.

Synchronised with the International Woman’s Day, we will host between the 8th and the 29th of March her site-specific installation, entitled Reputation matters, which comprises “the action of licking a Rolls Royce in its entirety”, a documentation of the very gesture described in the titled, undertook by the artist during a residency at Navel Los Angeles in 2018 with two new artworks reflecting upon the aftermaths of this experience.

It is our celebration of a witty and unapologetic identity role of women on the public scene and a stand-up exploitation black comedy questioning the set of criteria on which reputational capital is granted to female artists.

Special thanks to Volker Diehl Gallery, Berlin.

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