Artist Opportunities 342

International Contemporary Art

16 December 2014

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Deadline: 20 January 2015

Application fee: £16

The Mark Tanner Sculpture Award is unique in its combination of offering both financial support towards the production of new work and a solo exhibition to an exceptional emerging sculptor. The Mark Tanner Sculpture Award is unique in its combination of offering both financial support towards the production of new work and a solo exhibition to an exceptional emerging sculptor.





stARTup Art Fair San Francisco

Deadline: February 15, 2015

Application fee: $45

stARTup Art Fair San Francisco is an independently produced fair for unrepresented artists. If you are a professional, working visual artist without gallery representation – we invite you to apply.

This three-day fair will run May 1-3, 2015 at the Hotel Del Sol in San Francisco, and take place at the same time as the nearby Art Market SF gallery fair.





35th Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition

Deadline: January 12, 2015

Application fee: $10

The Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition is the second-longest running juried print and drawing competition in the country. Every two years it features the best contemporary graphic artwork from around the globe.  This year’s exhibition will be held at four prominent Peoria Illinois Galleries, The Contemporary Art Center of Peoria, The Peoria Art Guild, Prairie Center of the Arts, and Heuser Art Gallery at Bradley University.



Let Grass Roots Grow, London

Deadline: 10 January 2015

Application fee: none

‘Let Grass Roots Grow’ is an independent project set up by Artist Ronan Bowes a painter based in London who is calling all emerging London based Painters, Curators and Art writers to take part in a group exhibition in a London location for 2015.




Submissions open 12 January – 8 February 2015

Application fee: £25

New Contemporaries continues to be the leading and longest-running open submission, touring exhibition, which showcases some of the most dynamic and engaging work emerging from UK art schools. Since 1949, we have provided a professional platform, beyond the context of art school, for new artists’ work to become visible and to be discussed often for the first time.





Franconia Sculpture Park, MN, USA

Deadline: February 6, 2015

Located on 43-acres in the scenic St. Croix River Valley, 45 miles northeast of Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, USA. Franconia offers a place where artists live, create, and exhibit three-dimensional artwork all in one location. Artists push themselves to achieve new visions at Franconia, beyond what they ever thought was possible. Each artist undergoes a transformation, leaving with a renewed focus, new skills, and lifelong connections.





paraflows .X – DIGITAL MIGRATION, Vienna

Deadline: 15th of February 2015

To survive you have to be versatile, to adjust, and to evolve. Migration describes the flow of transformation. Migration applies to everything from the smallest of cells to the entire planet. It is a fundamental pace. Change, development, and shift of language, place, and medium, are at the centre of Paraflows .X – DIGITAL MIGRATION.





PROYECTO’ACE PIRAR, Buenos Aires, Argentina Artist in Residence Program

Deadline January 31st, 2015

Submission fee: none

’ace is now accepting applications to the Artist-in-Residence International Program 2015-2016. We are looking for all kind of visual and multimedia artists and curators who want to submit proposals to be in residence and to take advantage of the intense cultural life offered by Buenos Aires, one of Latin America’s cultural centers.




Deadline: 2 FEBRUARY 2015

Largo das Artes International Art Residency Programme is designed for emerging artists wishing to immerse themselves in their work without the strains of everyday life. We provide them the space to explore practices, new ideas and materials; and to develop a project in Rio de Janeiro while receiving professional feedback and support.





Transart non-competitive MFA Scholarships

Deadline: January 23, 2015

Students applying by the preferred admissions deadline of January 23rd will be granted an $8000.00 scholarship. Exhibit and perform internationally while you study. Uniquely international for exchange and connections across cultural boundaries, with intensives in Berlin and New York, Transart’s low-residency PhD, MFA and Certificate programs offer a plethora of input at residencies with dozens of innovative workshops, artist talks, lectures, pecha kuchas, walkshops, seminars, cultural tours to choose from.





International Sculpture Symposium at Assens Shipyard, Denmark

Deadline: 01 February 2015

Application fee: none

Assens Shipyard has generously put its wealth of workshop spaces, tools and materials at the disposal of the symposium, offering the best possible facilities for sculptors working with iron.

Assens Arts Council supports art in the Municipality of Assens through its advisory capacity and by organising events and activities such as symposium projects, initiatives for art in the public sphere and workshops.





SYNAPSE Curators’ Workshop at Haus der Kulteren der Welt (HKW) Berlin

Deadline: January 20, 2015

June 30 – July 4, 2015

Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) and Schering Stiftung invite up-and-coming curators to apply to take part in the third workshop held by SYNAPSE – The International Curators’ Network. The network is moderated by an international team of curators, artists, scientists, and other experts. The Curators’ Workshop 2015 (June 30-July 4, 2015) takes place in the context of the thematic exhibition Ape Culture, curated by Anselm Franke and Hila Peleg at HKW.



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