The cloned heart, 2014, oil on linen, 67 x 58 cm

The cloned heart, 2014, oil on linen, 67 x 58 cm

The capsized soul of nature, 2013, oil on canvas, 140 x 122cm

The capsized soul of nature, 2013, oil on canvas, 140 x 122cm

The Cage, 2014, oil on linen, 119,5 x 79,5cm

The Cage, 2014, oil on linen, 119,5 x 79,5cm

Lustral, 2013, oil on linen, 140 x 110cm

Lustral, 2013, oil on linen, 140 x 110cm

Limbo, 2013, oil on linen, 92 x 62 cm

Limbo, 2013, oil on linen, 92 x 62 cm

The unbalanced matter of nature, 2013, oil on linen,150 x 129cm

The unbalanced matter of nature, 2013, oil on linen,150 x 129cm

The speaking hands (after Courbet) 2014, oil on linen, 78 x 68

The speaking hands (after Courbet) 2014, oil on linen, 78 x 68

The sinnerman, 2014, oil on linen, 54 x 45cm copy

The sinnerman, 2014, oil on linen, 54 x 45cm copy

The ritual, 2013, oil on linen, 131 x 92 cm

The ritual, 2013, oil on linen, 131 x 92 cm

The confined soul, 2013, oil on canvas, 162 x 150cm

The confined soul, 2013, oil on canvas, 162 x 150cm

The dead tree, 2014, oil on linen, 81 x 65,5 cm

The dead tree, 2014, oil on linen, 81 x 65,5 cm

The finish girl, 2013, oil on linen, 130 x 74,5 cm

The finish girl, 2013, oil on linen, 130 x 74,5 cm

The magic 2, 2014, oil on linen, 128 x 75 cm

The magic 2, 2014, oil on linen, 128 x 75 cm

The magic, 2014, oil on linen, 143 x 99 cm

The magic, 2014, oil on linen, 143 x 99 cm

Remus Grecu is a romanian-born, London-trained, Stockholm-based painter.

Grecu grew up in Bucharest. After having completed his education at the city’s renowned Art University, he began exhibiting his work in galleries across Romania.

Ten years ago Grecu relocated to London in an attempt to develop his style even further. It was during his time in London that he was approached and asked to contribute his art work towards videos by Madonna and Scissor Sisters.

Four years ago he decided to move to Stockholm. There Grecu has painted for Johan Brissinger’s film „Anglavart” and worked in the Art Department for Pink’s music video „Sober”.

In the spring of 2009 he was awarded two Bronze Lions at Cannes Lions, a silver and a bronze award at the London International Awards and a gold award at EuroBest Amsterdam for three of his paintings forming part of a collection named Anti Anorexia Project.

In 2010 Grecu’s work was featured in Beaux Art Magazine.

For the past four years Grecu has contributed to a number of important group exhibitions in and outside Sweden. He is an artist on the rise and definately one to watch for the future.


Lustral – Of, relating to, or used in a rite of purification.

„Lustral represents my own solipsistic world: a world which takes shape entirely through the channels of my memory, conscious imagination, and unconscious phantasmagoria. It is a world that, at first glance, appears somewhat recognisable: a world envisaged across a palette of cinerescent shades juxtaposed with intermittent rich colour. Upon deeper inspection, however, Lustral soon requires the viewer’s total suspension of disbelief. Put simply, this is a world cast adrift from the material realities of the everyday.

Lustral offers still snapshots of the subjects who exist in this world. They participate in bizarre ritual-like ceremonies where expressions of shamanism, spiritual transition, purification, sacrifice, the uncanny, and the absurd all resonate alongside each other. As with all snapshots, the viewer is left to speculate over the contexts from which these paintings derive. Under what circumstances have these rituals been initiated? Are they benevolent or malevolent? Finally, and perhaps most importantly, what will be the lasting outcome?” – Remus Grecu

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