001_Giovanni-Longo_Stazioni-di-lancio(particolare)_2013 001b_Giovanni-Longo_Stazioni-di-lancio(particolare)_2013 002_Giovanni-Longo_Twin-lizards_2013 003_Giovanni-Longo_Migratore-stanziale_2012 004_Giovanni-Longo_Migratore-stanziale(particolare)_2012 005_Giovanni-Longo_Testa-o-croce_2009 006_Giovanni-Longo_Testa-o-croce_2009_particolare 007_Giovanni-Longo_Cane-fragile_2007 008_Giovanni-Longo_Uroboro-smemorato_2011

“Fragile Skeletons” is a series of sculptures realized with the wood recovered on the beach, creating a fragile bond between the osseous and the ligneous elements by Giovanni Longo.

Giovanni Longo (Locri, 1985), graduated in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Reggio Calabria, has been experimenting multiple art languages for several years searching for different solutions able to describe the contemporary precariousness at the best. From 2005 his attention is basically focused on reclaimed wood with which, creating a bond between the osseous and the ligneous elements, he represents symbolic skeletons weakened by time. His work does not put over space but on the contrary dialogues with it through “site-specific” installations.

In 2009/2010 his works have been selected among different International Art Awards: Arte Mondadori, Arte Laguna, Combat, Premio Celeste, where he wins the first place in a row in the category: “Sculpture”/ e-voting. In 2011 he is in residence at the 54^ Biennale of Venice with an artwork showed at the Pavilion Italia/Accademie. In 2012 he participated in “Eurasia Wings Workshop” located in M50 district of Shanghai, where he has the opportunity to experience the accuracy and the aesthetic neatness of Chinese culture, much in contrast with the tumultuous chaos of the metropolis.

He presently lives and works in Reggio Calabria district.

Find more on www.nizca.it

All images courtesy Giovanni Longo.

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