Irina Botea feat. WeAreTheArtists
May 29 – July 10 2011
Opening reception on Sat May 28 2011 at 5 pm
5 pm Opening Kunsthalle Winterthur
6 pm Introduction by Oliver Kielmayer
8 pm Shuttlebus to k3 project space, Zurich
8 pm Party and exhibition at k3
On the opening night additional works by Irina Botea, Ruti Sela and Ferhat Özgür are on display at k3 project space in Zurich. Doors opening at 8 pm
MeetingPoint (Special guests at the opening): Maayan Amir (artist, Tel Aviv), Irina Botea (artist, Chicago), Lucia A. Cavegn (artist, Winterthur), René Fahrni (artist, Zurich), Monica Germann (artist, Zurich), Oliver Godow (artist, Winterthur), Clare Goodwin (artist, Zurich), Daniel Hauser artist, Zurich), Katharina Henking (artist, Winterthur), Susanne Hofer (artist, Zurich), Roland Iselin (artist, Zurich), Beat Klein (artist, Basel), Hendrikje Kühne (artist, Basel), Aurelio Kopainig (artist, Berlin), Daniel Lorenzi (artist, Zurich), Joëlle Menzi (artist, Zurich), Franziska Neff (artist, Zurich), Ferhat Özgür (artist, Istanbul), Sandi Paucic (artist, Zurich), Tobias Rüeger (artist, Winterthur), Lisa Schiess (artist, Zurich), Doris Schmid (artist, Vienna), Aleksandr Schumow (artist, Zurich), Ruti Sela (artist, Tel Aviv), Sebastian Sieber (artist, Zurich) and Navid Tschopp (artist, Zurich)
The exhibition is a combination of solo and group show, with the main accent on Irina Botea’s work. The inclusion of Ruti Sela, Mayaan Amir and Ferhat Özgür is the result of extensive research into positions of contemporary art that share a crucial aspect of Botea’s artistic production. In her videos, Botea very often refers to modes of re-enactment and role-play; but her main target is not to create a fiction that is taken for reality. Her interest lies in the reality of the performance and the authentic individuality of the performers. The presentation at Kunsthalle shows six works by Botea: two projected works, Before a National Anthem (2009) and Picturesque (2011), and the rest, Ladybug (2007), MeNoMe(2011), Pinocchio (2011) and Laura (2011), are presented on monitors. The interest in the human being is also key to works by Ferhat Özgür and Ruti Sela. Thus, one work by each artist complements the exhibition: Metamorphosis Chat (2009) by Özgür and Ruti Sela’s Beyond Guilt # 2 (2004), a film that she made together with Mayaan Amir. The artists’ network WeAreTheArtists presents a series of portraits; members of the network were asked to send a photo of themselves which they considered to reveal most about who they are. Another highlight is the new issue of the beloved free newspaper WeAreTheArtists, including the brand new photo story Natural Born Curators.
The exhibition is supported by: City of Winterthur, Friends of the Kunsthalle, Federal Office of Culture, Kulturstiftung Winterthur, Migros Culture Percentage, Ziegler Druck- und Verlags-AG, k3 project space and F+F school for art and media design
Further events at Kunsthalle Winterthur:
Café des Arts and Kunsthalle LateNight
Wednesday, June 15 2011, 7 – 11 pm
Art mediation – new ways, new media
Kunsthalle Winterthur, Marktgasse 25, CH – 8400 Winterthur, Wed – Fri 12 am – 6 pm, Sat / Sun 12 am – 4 pm, +41 (0)52 267 51 32,,,
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