


„…We are the revolt of the spirit; we believe that revolution is the inevitable vengeance of a spirit humiliated with your doings. We are not utopians; we can conceive this revolution only as a social form. If anywhere there are men and women who have seen a coalition form against them (traitors to everything that is not freedom, rebels of every sort, prisoners of common law), let them never forget that THE IDEA OF REVOLUTION IS THE BEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE SAFEGUARD OF THE INDIVIDUAL.“

La Révolution surréaliste, NO.5, Paris 1925.

Assuming that to be an artist means that the person has REVOLUATED, in the sense of individual care that emphasized the surrealists in his manifesto, the exhibition REVOLUTION NOW & FOREVER wants to show varying degrees of REVOLUATING through multiple contexts in which they are: political, economic, feminist, discriminatory, autobiographical, futuristic, environmental, social, ect. ..

Exhibition REVOLUTION NOW & FOREVER wants to prove various subversive practices in works of art and point to a long love relationship of ART and REVOLUTION.

Have you REVouated? Have you experienced sexual intercourse with a revolution? If you have- Apply Now.

NEW MEDIA GALLERY from Zadar, Croatia, invites you to submit new media art works (videos, video performances, installations, performative actions, and all other forms of new media art), on the theme of REVOLUTION NOW AND FOREVER.

In order to apply, we need You to fill online application form on

Deadline for application is May 12th, 23:59 CET.

All applications will be closely observed and the results of the selection will be announced on the web pages, also every participant will be announced by e-mail.

Exhibition opening will be on May 19th in Zadar, Croatia and this exhibition will visit several more towns in Croatia and SE Europe in 2011.

For all info contact [email protected]

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