Chile. Dincolo de peisaj / Chile. Beyond Landscape

13.04 – 17.05.2011

Vernisaj: miercuri, 13 aprilie, 19h30 / Opening: Wednesday, 13 April, 19h30

Pe langa proiectele de arhitectura in peisaje dramatice, extreme, care si-au castigat locul, prin spectaculozitate, pe copertele a numeroase reviste de profil, ultimii 20 de ani au scos in evidenta in Chile si o generatie deosebita de arhitecti, preocupati de explorarea a noi teritorii si interfete intre arhitectura, arte si tehnologie.
Abordarea coerenta a dezvoltarii urbane dupa schimbarile politice din 1989 (similare celor din Romania), incurajarea calitatii in arhitectura de catre administratie, demersul de a construi un discurs articulat al memoriei colective, precum si organizarea a multe competitii publice pentru cladiri cu functiuni diverse au construit un mediu propice pentru aparitia unor proiecte arhitecturale valoroase si inovative. Arhitectul Christian Beros, curator al expozitiei, a selectat 12 proiecte atat din mediul public, cat si din cel privat pentru a ilustra modul in care s-a schimbat in perioada recenta imaginea oraselor chiliene, imbunatatind viata comunitatilor locale. Credem ca prezentarea unor astfel de proiecte poate juca rol de declansator, intr-o prima faza la nivelul arhitectilor, pentru elaborarea unor strategii si proiecte similare in Romania.

Proiectele din expozitie sunt semnate de: Emilio Marin, Alejandro Aravena, Elemental, Andres Schulz, Juan Antonio Bustos, Gustavo Torres, Cristian Undurraga, Supersudaka, Estudio America, Bebin & Saxton Architects, Veronica Arcos, Lateral.


Besides the several architectural projects built in dramatic, extreme settings, that, through their spectacular nature, earned their place on the covers of numerous specialty publications, the last 20 years have also revealed a new generation of Chilean architects, concerned with exploring new territories, as well as interfaces between architecture, the arts and technological innovations.
The coherent approach of urban development following the post-1989 political changes (similar to those in Romania), the authorities’ support of the idea of quality in architecture, the process of creating a solid rhetoric of collective memory, along with the organisation of several open competitions for buildings of various functions – all of these aspects have contributed to the set up of an environment favouring the construction of valuable and innovative architecture. Architect Christian Beros, the exhibition’s curator, has selected 12 projects, from the public and private medium alike, in order to illustrate the way in which recent developments have shaped the image of Chilean cities, enriching the lives of local communities. We believe that the showcasing of such projects may serve as a source of inspiration for architects in the elaboration of similar strategies and projects in Romania.
Projects by: Emilio Marin, Alejandro Aravena, Elemental, Andres Schulz, Juan Antonio Bustos, Gustavo Torres, Cristian Undurraga, Supersudaka, Estudio America, Bebin & Saxton Architects, Veronica Arcos, Lateral.


Organizatori: Space Syntax Romania si igloo media

Partener: Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania

Parteneri media: igloo habitat si arhitectura, zeppelin, Arhitext

Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană

Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor 2-4, aripa E4,  Bucharest (RO), 050563
intrarea prin / entrance from  Calea 13 Septembrie
tel: +40 21 318 91 37 ,
Miercuri / Wednesday – duminica / Sunday 10h-18h

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