ASTRA FILM FESTIVAL – the Sibiu International Festival for Documentary Film – invites filmmakers and producers from all over the world to submit their latest productions to the 11th Astra Film Festival, to take place between 25th and 30th October 2011. The deadline is 1st of May 2011.
AFF is a major event in the European community of documentary film. The Festival is a meeting point for documentary filmmakers from all over the world, promotes the production of quality non-fiction film in Romania and in the region.
AFF is dedicated to showing realities of our world as perceived and interpreted by committed creative documentary filmmakers, and to facilitating open debates with the audience, as well as among professionals.
Over the years, AFF’s interactive, informal and friendly style has facilitated a fertile ground of dialogue among filmmakers and public, professionals, a communication that attracted a large number of true fans.
AFF is the ideal place for filmmakers to test their film with an active public. In October 2011, you are welcome to enjoy once more the ASTRA FILM spirit.
We welcome creative documentaries produced since 2008, in one of the four competitional sections:
INTERNATIONAL Section (documentary films made outside Europe);
EUROPEAN Section (documentary films made about Europe);
ROMANIAN DOCUMENTARIES (documentary films about Romania);
STUDENT DOCS (documentaries made as part of a film school, documentary film course)
AFF does not select animations, experimental films, re-enactments, and docu-dramas. As a rule, AFF does not pay screening fees for the films in competition. The directors of the selected films are invited to the Festival for the whole period (accommodation expenses covered by the organizers).
You can submit your film at:
AFF_11 SHOWCASES various non-competitive programs related to documentary film: master classes, regional focus, and good archaic music to complete the well known Astra Film Fest atmosphere.
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