17 martie – 2 mai 2010
Curator: Bruce Posner
Program propus de: Oana Tanase
Versiune DVD produs de: David Shepard
Programul propune o selectie a filmelor experimentale ale avangardei americane, realizate fie de profesionisti, fie de amatori. Anthology Film Archive a elaborat acest proiect in parteneriat cu prestigioase colectii si arhive de film, piesele pe 35mm sau 16 mm fiind restaurate si transferate pe suport digital. Multe dintre acestea nu au fost accesibile ori proiectate public pana in 2001, an in care retrospectiva Unseen Cinema a fost prezentat in premiera in cadrul Festivalului International de Film de la Moscova. Muzee si centre de arta, universitati si teatre au gazduit in ultimii ani fie programul integral, fie episoade individuale. Structurate potrivit celor sapte sectiuni tematice, filmele sunt proiectate la MNAC – Auditorium timp de sapte saptamani consecutive, cu exceptia zilelor de luni-marti, cand muzeul este inchis, si a zilelor de sarbatoare (4 aprilie, 1 mai).
17-21 martie: OCHIUL MECANIZAT. Experimente tehnice si formale /18 filme / 161’
5 Paris Exposition Films: Eiffel Tower from Trocadero Palace; Palace of Electricity, Champs de Mars; Panorama of Eiffel Tower; Scene from Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower (1900), James White
Captain Nissen Going through Whirpool Rapids, Niagra Falls (1901), autor necunoscut
Down the Hudson (1903), Frederick Armitage A.E. Weed
The Ghost Train (1903), autori necunoscuti
Westinghouse Works, Panorama View Street Car Motor Room (1904), G.W. “Billy” Bitzer
In Youth, Beside the Lonely Sea (aprox. 1924-25), autori necunoscuti
Melody on Parade (aprox. 1936), autori necunoscuti
La Cartomancienne (The Fortune Teller) (1932), Jerome Hill
Pie in the Sky (1934-35), Nykino: Elia Kazan, Ralph Steiner Irving Lerner
Travel Notes (1932), Walker Evans
Oil: A Symphony in Motion (1930-33), Artkino: M.G. MacPherson Jean Michelson
Poem 8 (1932-33), Emlen Etting
Storm (1941-43), Paul Burnford
Portrait of a Young Man (1925-31), Henwar Rodakiewicz
24-28 martie: JUCARIA DIAVOLULUI. Suprarealismul american / 17 filme / 161’
Jack and the Beanstalk (1902), Edwin S. Porter
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906), Edwin S. Porter
The Thieving Hand (1907), autor necunoscut, Vitagraph
Impossible Convicts (1905), G.W. “Billy” Bitzer
When the Clouds Roll By (1919), Douglas Fairbanks Victor Fleming (fragment)
Beggar on Horseback (1925), James Cruze (fragment)
The Fall of the House of Usher (1926-27), J.S. Watson, Jr. Melville Webber
The Life and Death of 9413: A Hollywood Extra (1927), Robert Florey Slavko Vorkapich
The Love of Zero (1928), Robert Florey William Cameron Menzies
The Telltale Heart (1928), Charles Klein
Tomatos Another Day (1930/1933), J.S. Watson, Jr. Alec Wilder
The Hearts of Age (1934), William Vance Orson Welles
Unreal News Reels (aprox. 1926), Weiss Artclass Comedies (fragment)
The Children’s Jury (aprox. 1938), atribuit lui Joseph Cornell
Thimble Theater (aprox. 1938), Joseph Cornell
Carousel: Animal Opera (aprox. 1938), Joseph Cornell
Jack’s Dream (aprox. 1938), Joseph Cornell
31 martie-3 aprilie: RITMURI LUMINOASE. Muzica si abstractie / 29 filme / 168’
Le Retour à la raison (1923), Man Ray
Ballet mécanique (1923-24), Fernand Léger Dudley Murphy
Anémic cinéma (1924-26), Rrose Sélavy (Marcel Duchamp)
Looney Lens: Anamorphic People (1927), Al Brick
Out of the Melting Pot (1927), W.J. Ganz Studio
H20 (1929), Ralph Steiner
Surf and Seaweed (1929-30), Ralph Steiner
7 Vorkapich Montage Sequences (1928-37): The Furies (1934); Skyline Dance (1928); Money Machine (1929); Prohibition (1929); The Firefly, montat de Vorkapich (1937); The Firefly, versiune MGM (1937); Maytime (1937), Slavko Vorkapich
So This Is Paris (1926), Ernst Lubitsch (fragment)
Light Rhythms (1930), Francis Bruguière Oswell Blakeston
Une Nuit sur le Mont Chauve (Night on Bald Mountain) (1934), Alexandre Alexeieff Claire Parker
Rhythm in Light (1934), Mary Ellen Bute, Ted Nemeth Melville Webber
Synchromy No. 2 (1936), Mary Ellen Bute Ted Nemeth
Parabola (1937), Mary Ellen Bute Ted Nemeth
Footlight Parade – “By a Waterfall” (1933), Busby Berkeley
Glen Falls Sequence (1937-46), Douglass Crockwell
Simple Destiny Abstractions (1937-40), Douglass Crockwell
Abstract Movies (1937-47), George L.K. Morris
Scherzo (1939), Norman McLaren
Themis (1940), Dwinell Grant
Contrathemis (1941), Dwinell Grant
1941 (1941), Francis Lee
Moods of the Sea (1940-42), Slavko Vorkapich John Hoffman
7-11 aprilie: NARATIUNI RASTURNATE. Noi directii ale povestirii / 12 filme / 155’
The House with Closed Shutters (1910), D.W. Griffith G.W. “Billy” Bitzer
Suspense (1913), Lois Weber Philips Smalley
Moonland (aprox. 1926), Neil McQuire William A. O’Connor
Lullaby (1929), Boris Deutsch
The Bridge (1929-30), Charles Vidor
Little Geezer (1932), Theodore Huff
Black Dawn (1933), Josef Berne Seymour Stern
Native Land (1937-41), Frontier Films: Leo Hurwitz Paul Strand (fragment)
Black Legion (1936-7), Nykino: Ralph Steiner Willard Van Dyke
Even As You and I (1937), Roger Barlow, Harry Hay Le Roy Robbins
Object Lesson (1941), Christoher Young
“Sredni Vashtar” by Saki (1940-43), David Bradley
14-18 aprilie: PORTRETIZAREA UNEI METROPOLE. New York City devoalat / 26 filme / 152’
The Blizzard (1899), autori necunoscuti
Lower Broadway (1902), Robert K. Bonine
Beginning of a Skyscraper (1902), Robert K. Bonine
Panorama from Times Building, New York (1905), Wallace McCutcheon
Skyscrapers of NYC from North River (1903), J.B. Smith
Panorama from Tower of the Brooklyn Bridge (1903), G.W. “Billy” Bitzer
Building Up and Demolishing the Star Theatre (1902), Frederick Armitage
Coney Island at Night (1905), Edwin S. Porter
Interior New York Subway 14th Street to 42nd Street (1905), G.W. “Billy” Bitzer
Seeing New York by Yacht (1902), Frederick Armitage A.E. Weed
2 Looney Lens: Split Skyscrapers (1924); Tenth Avenue, NYC (1924), Al Brick
4 Scenes from Ford Educational Weekly (1916-24), autori necunoscuti
Manhatta (1921), Charles Sheeler Paul Strand
Twentyfour-Dollar Island (aprox. 1926), Robert Flaherty
Skyscraper Symphony (1929), Robert Florey
Manhattan Medley (1931), Bonney Powell
A Bronx Morning (1931), Jay Leyda
Footnote to Fact (1933), Lewis Jacobs
Seeing the World (1937), Rudy Burckhardt
Pursuit of Happiness (1940), Rudy Burckhardt
Gold Diggers of 1935 — “Lullaby of Broadway” (1935), Busby Berkeley (fragment)
Autumn Fire (1930-33), Herman Weinberg
21-25 aprilie: AMATORUL CA AUTOR. A descoperi paradisul din imagini / 20 filme / 175’
7 Case Sound Tests (aprox. 1924-25), Theodore Case Earl Sponable
Windy Ledge Farm (aprox. 1929-34), Elizabeth Woodman Wright
A Day in Santa Fe (1931), Lynn Riggs James Hughes
4 Stewart Family Home Movies (aprox. 1935-39), Archie Stewart
Children’s Party (aprox. 1938), Joseph Cornell
Cotillion (aprox. 1938), Joseph Cornell
The Midnight Party (aprox. 1938), Joseph Cornell
Haiti (1938), Rudy Burckhardt
Tree Trunk to Head (1938), Lewis Jacobs
Bicycle Polo at San Mateo (1940-42), Frank Stauffacher
1126 Dewey Avenue, Apt. 207 (1939), John C. Hecker
28 aprilie-2 mai: VIVA LA DANCE. Inceputurile filmului de dans / 33 filme / 155’
7 Annabelle Dances and Dances (1894-1897), W.K.L. Dickson, William Heise James White
Davy Jones’ Locker (1900), Frederick Armitage
Neptune’s Daughters (1900), Frederick Armitage
A Nymph of the Waves (1900), Frederick Armitage
Diana the Huntress (1916), Charles Allen Francis Trevelyan Miller (fragment)
The Soul of the Cypress (1920), Dudley Murphy
Looney Lens: Pas de deux (1924), Al Brick
Hände: Das Leben und die Liebe eines Zärtlichen Geschlechts (Hands: The Life and Loves of the Gentler Sex) (1928), Stella Simon Miklos Bandy
Mechanical Principles (1930), Ralph Steiner
Tilly Losch in Her Dance of the Hands (aprox. 1930-33), Norman Bel Geddes
2 Eisenstein’s Mexican Footage (1931), Sergei Eisenstein (fragment)
Oramunde (1933), Emlen Etting
Hands (1934), Ralph Steiner Willard Van Dyke
Joie de vivre (1934), Anthony Gross Hector Hoppin
Wonder Bar: “Don’t Say Goodnight” (1934), Busby Berkeley (fragment)
Dada (1936), Mary Ellen Bute Ted Nemeth
Escape (1938), Mary Ellen Bute Ted Nemeth
An Optical Poem (1938), Oskar Fischinger
Abstract Experiment in Kodachrome (c. 1940s), Slavko Vorpapich
NBC Valentine Greeting (1939-40), Norman McLaren
Stars and Stripes (1940), Norman McLaren
Tarantella (1940), Mary Ellen Bute, Ted Nemeth Norman McLaren
Spook Sport (1940), Mary Ellen Bute, Ted Nemeth Norman McLaren
Danse Macabre (1922), Dudley Murphy
Peer Gynt (1941), David Bradley, cu Charlton Heston (fragment)
Introspection (1941/46), Sara Kathryn Arledge
Unseen Cinema: Early American Avant-Garde Film 1894-1941, courtesy of Anthology Film Archives, New York, and Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, and underwritten by Cineric, Inc., New York.
www.unseen-cinema. com
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Parteneri / MNAC Partners: BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Novotel
Sponsori / Sponsors: Murfatlar
Parteneri media / Media Partners: Igloo, Arhitectura, 24 Fun, Rfi Romania, feeder.ro, Cocor MediaChannel
MNAC/ Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana
The National Museum of Contemporary Art
Str. Izvor 2-4, E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
Intrarea prin/ Entrance from Calea 13 Septembrie
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,
Miercuri/Wednesday – Duminica/ Sunday, 10.00h-18.00h
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