Goethe-Institut Bucuresti
Distributive Justice (proiect multidisciplinar)
10.09.2004, 16.00 h (conferinta)
11.09.2004, 16.00 h (masa rotunda)
Goethe-Institut Bucuresti, Str. Henri Coanda, Nr. 22
Autor: Andreja Kuluncic (artist vizual)
Co-autori: Gabrijela Sabol (sociolog), Ivo Martinovic (fotograf), Neven Petrovic (filosof), Dejan Jankovic (designer), Trudy Lane (designer), Matija Puzar (programator), Tomislav Janovic (filosof), Momo Kuzmanovic (sociolog)
Distributive justice is not only a central issue of moral and political philosophy, but also an object of common-sense moral reasoning. Everyone is sensitive to the question of his/her share of the common good. Even those who get the biggest piece of the social pie are in need to justify the actual model of distribution. It has become a truism that most people (especially in transitional countries) experience their own social position as “unjust”, relying on certain intuitive principles of distributive justice.
Multidisciplinary project “Distributive Justice” is a work in progress designed by people with different backgrounds (art, philosophy, sociology, economy, programming). The project deals with the topic of distribution of goods in a society.
It consists of two parts: (1) the part of the project in the virtual space, URL: www.distributive-justice.com – an Internet web site which elements differently approaches the topic, for example: two games in which participants freely distribute material and nonmaterial goods building a “society” that undergoes dynamical changes; and (2) the part of the project in the exhibition space, a “working space” installation – presentation of material that has emerged and continuously emerges as result of the respective parts of the project: virtual (the web site), practical (field research, opinion poll, newsletter), and theoretical part (study of relevant literature, open discussions, talks, lectures.).
The material grows and changes its shape from exhibition to exhibition. Since several different countries is and will be involved in the project, every country leave its imprint in the work, i.e., become a part of the exhibition. During the exhibition(s) the visitors (participants in the project) read materials, listen to lectures, chat, join the discussion, participate in the polls, surf the Web, print from the base, copy materials, video or audio tape the events, etc. (as in our previous project “Closed Reality – Embryo” (http://embryo.inet.hr) that was realized in the Gallery Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb).
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