Alina Andrei (RO)
Matthias Beckmann (DE)
Alex Bodea (RO)
Oliver East (UK)
Christine Gedeon (USA/SY)
Martin Kohout (CZ)
Pia Linz (DE)
Feliks Topolski (PL)
Curated by Alex Bodea
Exhibition Opening: 07.11.2016 / 6 pm
Drawing reportage is not a recent practice. It has preceded photojournalism in the 20th century, during which it finally withdrew graciously in shadow, without going into full extinction. Now, that photojournalism generates so many discussions about ethics, enforcement of stereotypes, manipulation, drawing reportage is called to rediscover itself. From the point of view of its means, it is capable of yet unexplored analytical depths. Its subjectivity exempts it from being irrevocably. The reader is aware that what is being revealed is an experience, a perspective and not the truth. Drawing reportage leaves room for alternatives and multiple voices. Drawing reportage is a practice reborn for the present. Here and now.
Lateral ArtSpace on Facebook in the next days for information about the exhibiting artists and their work.Artist talk with Oliver East (UK)
British artist Oliver East will talk about his ritual of exploring the natural environment, by foot and with a sketchbook in hand. ‘I go on barely planned walks with arbitrarily imposed limitations to test the restrictions we place upon our productions of the ‘natural world’ and our subsequent relationship with it.’ He will also present his project featured last year at the Lakes International Comic Art Festival, detailing the programme and opportunities offered by the festival.
Cinematic lecture by Alex Bodea (RO)
In the second part of the event, Alex Bodea will hold a cinematic lecture featuring fragments of the drawing reportages Six Breakfasts, One Lunch, A Literature Festival and Visual notes on Berlin, creating a combination between journalism, sequential art, narration and stage elements.
The event will take place in Romanian and English. Facebook Event.
The events are part of Temps d’Images Festival / 7 – 13 November 2016
Temps d’Images in Cluj helps affirm the interdisciplinary creation and artistic research through international co-productions, research laboratories, representing it as a label for artists with interdisciplinary interests.
Fabrica de Pensule, 1st Floor
59-61 Henri Barbusse Street
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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