Austria-based designer Francesco Morackini has created the Dildo Maker, a pencil sharpener-like device that will turn any object into the shape of a penis. Morackini suggests an “almost limitless choice” of objects to shape like popsicles, vegetables, candles, or even a stick of butter, but cautions that any soft object should be frozen before shaping it with the Dildo Maker.

In 2013 Francesco Morackini introduces the Dildomaker, from the “tools” serie. Playing around with the cliche: “Sex sales” The Dildomaker’s purpose is to provide the users what they really want: “Pleasure” and moreover “sexual pleasure”. The Dildomaker is just a tool which doesn’t give pleasure directely. The distance created here on purpose, tries to raise questions on our relationship between us and manufactured products.

images via Francesco Morackini

via Carlovely


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