Probably the best known street artist in the world, Banksy, strikes again! This suggestive topiary street art installation called “Bush” appeared in Canonbury, London and is is one of his newest works.
Posted by Cosmin Nasui | May 30, 2012 | PHOTO OF THE DAY | 0 |
Probably the best known street artist in the world, Banksy, strikes again! This suggestive topiary street art installation called “Bush” appeared in Canonbury, London and is is one of his newest works.
Cosmin Nasui (BA-es in History of Art and Visual Arts&Design) has worked as art historian, curator, art critic, gallerist, cultural journalist, cultural manager for the last 20 years.//Cosmin Nasui este curator, istoric și critic de artă, manager cultural, evaluator acreditat de artă contemporană, evaluator de proiecte culturale. Este fondator al celei mai largi platforme online românești pentru susținerea și promovarea artei contemporane românești Este managing partner la Nasui collection & archives ( și curator la platforma muzeală privată PostModernism Museum ( Este autor de cărți de sinteză, monografii și studii de istoria artelor.
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