GreenMarker is a set of lovingly realistic grass-blade-shaped page markers.
Double-sided printed paper sticky notes (Post-it by 3M).
75 markers: $10.
Posted by Cosmin Nasui | Aug 14, 2011 | PHOTO OF THE DAY | 1 |
GreenMarker is a set of lovingly realistic grass-blade-shaped page markers.
Double-sided printed paper sticky notes (Post-it by 3M).
75 markers: $10.
Cosmin Nasui is an art historian specialized in art history, 20th and 21st century – and art critic, curator, cultural manager, accredited evaluator of contemporary art, evaluator of cultural projects. He is the founder of the largest Romanian online platform for supporting and promoting Romanian contemporary art and culture He is senior researcher at the PostModernism Museum and partner at the Nasui collection. Cosmin Nasui is a contributor as author and co-author of diverse publications and books. Nasui este curator, istoric și critic de artă, manager cultural, evaluator acreditat de artă contemporană, evaluator de proiecte culturale. Este fondator al celei mai largi platforme online românești pentru susținerea și promovarea artei contemporane românești Este managing partner la Nasui collection & archives ( și curator la platforma muzeală privată PostModernism Museum ( Este autor de cărți de sinteză, monografii și studii de istoria artelor.
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