Screening / 87 min, Belgia 2007
regia : Dan Alexe
marti/ Tuesday 26.01.2010, 18h00
“tragicomedie documentara”
26.02-26.02.2010 (loop) MNAC Auditoriu
cu Dan Alexe in conversatie cu Ruxandra Balaci/ with Dan Alexe in conversation with Ruxandra Balaci
Doar doi evrei au mai ramas in Afganistan si traiesc in acelasi loc: fosta sinagoga din Kabul. Cei doi sunt certati “la cutite”. Isaack locuieste la parter si vinde amulete vecinilor musulmani. Zebulon traieste la etajul de sus si se targuieste pentru vinul sau produs ilegal.
“Am trait trei ani la Kabul, am invatat limba localnicilor si cred ca am devenit una cu personajele filmului” Dan Alexe
Liberation: “In sfarsit un film in care afganii ne fac sa radem…!”
Le Libre Cinema: “..on tombe sous le charme de ce documentaire qui montre la pire face de l’etre humain, ses petites vanites, ses grandes coleres, son incapacite a se reconcilier.”
There are only two Jews left in Afghanistan, and they live in the same place: a former synagogue in Kabul. But rather than bonding together, they can’t stand each other. The elderly Isaac lives on the ground floor and makes a living by selling amulets to his Muslim neighbors. Middle-aged Zebulon lives on the top floor and haggles with the same Afghans over his illegally produced wine.
“I lived three years in Kabul, I learned the local language and I think I started to merge with the caracters of the movie” Dan Alexe
Liberation : “Finaly a movie with Afghans that make us laugh …!”
Partener principal: BRD Groupe Societe Generale
Parteneri media: Igloo, Arhitectura, 24 Fun, Rfi Romania,, Cocor MediaChannel
Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor 2-4, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
intrarea prin / entrance from Calea 13 Septembrie
tel: +40 21 318 91 37 / fax: +40 21 318 91 38,
Miercuri / Wednesday – duminica / Sunday 10h-18h
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