Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Art Exhibition
vernisaj/ opening: marti/ Tuesday, 3 noiembrie/ November 2009, 18h00

03.11 – 17.11.2009

Artisti/ Artists: Wang Tiande, Shi Guo, Liu Qinghe, Liu Zijian, Zhu Zhengen, Li Jun, Li Huasheng, Li Bangyao, Li Xiaoxuan, Li Jin, Zhang Xiaotao, Shao Ge, Gu Wenda, Zhang Yu, Zou Jianping, Yan Yinhong, Qiu Anxiong, Wu Yi, Shang Yang, Chen Shaoxiong, Yang Guoxin, Zhou Jingxin, Zheng Qiang, Zhou Yong   Nan Xi, Hu Youben, Hong Yao, TaoAimin, Liang Quan, Yuan Xiaofang, Huang Yihan, Cao Baoquan, Dong Xiaoming, Peng Wei, Yan Kai, Dai Guangyu, Wei Ligang, Wei Qingji 

Curator: Lu Hong 

Expozitia de fata prezinta atat atmosfera generala a artei contemporane din China, cat si noile directii stilistice. Artistii selectati aici au blurat deja granitele dintre est si vest, traditie si inovatie, abstract si figurativ, realism si liric; decizia curatorului este aceea de a expune tensiunea intretinuta de artistii contemporani intre o formula ce apeleaza la noile tehnici si o alta indatorata traditiei. 
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This exhibition features new developing trends and the general atmosphere of contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting. The participating artists have already lightly pass over the boundaries between the east and the west, the traditional and the contemporary, the abstract and the figurative, the realistic and the expressive; the curatorial decision is to show the tension that contemporary Chinese artists keep between making use of the new techniques today and learning from the tradition.

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Eveniment organizat sub patronajul/ Under the auspices of:
Ministerul Culturii din Republica Populara Chineza, Ministerul Culturii, Cultelor si al Patrimoniului National din Romania
Organizatori/ Organizers: Shenzhen Art Museum, MNAC

Cu sprijinul/ With the support of: Departamentul pentru Cultura, Sport si Turism din Shenzhen, Fundatia pentru Promovarea si Dezvoltarea Culturii din Shenzen, Ambasada Republicii Populare Chineze din Romania
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Partener principal: BRD Groupe Societe Generale
Sponsori: Hotel Novotel, Murfatlar
Parteneri media:  Igloo, Arhitectura, 24 Fun, rfi, Cocor Media Channel


Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor 2-4, aripa E4,  
Bucharest (RO), 050563
intrarea prin / entrance from  Calea 13 Septembrie
tel: +40 21 318 91 37 / fax: +40 21 318 91 38,
Miercuri / Wednesday – duminica / Sunday 10h-18h

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