Pe artistul algerian Hamza Bounoua l-am cunoscut în cadrul Bienalei de Artă Contemporană Casablanca, Maroc. în 2014
Cu o bogată activitate expozițională pe plan internațional Hamza Bounoua este implicat în noul proiect Diwaniya Art Gallery din Algieris, capitala Algeriei.
Comunicat de presa
Diwaniya Art Gallery 
We are a self founded gallery that will open its doors to public in March 2020. 
It is headquartered in Algiers the capital city of Algeria. Having the advantage of being situated in North Africa, and its access to the Mediterranean sea is reinforcing its openness to the three continents Africa, Europe and Asia.
We aim to showcase Contemporary Arab and Islamic art to a wider audience via providing an innovative programme to both established and emerging artists at local, regional and the international levels. The Gallery operates as a springboard for young artists to launch their career. We are a platform that offers an opportunity to showcase, network and exchange artwork and talks on Oriental and Islamic Art from across the MENA region to the rest of the world. The staff members of the gallery are committed to insure a premium quality to both exhibitors and collectors. 
“It’s about a timeless love of art,  to export the proper image of  a culture, an identity  in more than one form of expression made, curated and presented At Diwaniya Art Gallery.” 
The creation of The Gallery in this new decade 2020 is to mark the beginning of a new era to promote the artistic movement in Algeria. It is also to make a statement that an Algerian Gallery can source, exhibit and export art and artists worldwide. This beating heart of North African, Middle Eastern gallery have for a challenge to source its artists in international  exhibitions, fairs and auction platforms. Diwaniya Art Gallery functions as an open studio where artists can process and create works during the collaboration period. We aim to bring contemporary Arab Islamic Art presented by emerging and or established artists. 
Our Vision
Grow a creative community in an off boarders shared space full of art craft, inspirational debates and organised talks. As the historical role of a Diwaniya used to be the hub of diverse interaction our gallery stands for contributing to promote the vibrant Arabic and Islamic Art to the west. A rich historical and cultural patrimonial will be the icebreaker of stereotypes between the East and the West, Diwaniya is a conversion player. We aim to be the primary promotor of  Arabic and Islamic Art to the rest of the globe. 
Our Mission
Build a multinational home for the sake of representing one identity ( Arab Islamic Art) our differences makes us stronger. The works will be promoted to the general public to expand the culture of art gallery visits in the region as well as introducing it to the commercial art world.
“We carefully select our artists not only for the excellent quality of their tireless work, but also for their tireless dedication to creativity.”
Doors are open come and explore our striking exhibition space curated by Hmaza Bounoua, a representation of the artist’s experience. 
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