Russian street artist Nikita Nomerz travels around various cities in his homeland to find abandoned structures and bring them back to life. By adding eyes and facial features he makes old buildings laugh, smile, scream or just look at the passersby with their big window eyes.

Nomerz started back in school with classic hip hop graffiti but later became more interested in street art and began all sorts of experiments. The artist says that he likes to play with space and objects and is inspired by the place itself. Nomerz loves watching the city and finding an interesting point. He usually doesn’t spend much time to create one work – sometimes less than an hour. But he says that it all depends on the size of the object and his ideas.


The Big Brother in Nizhniy Novgorod

The Tower Man in Perm

Open Your Eyes in Irkutsk

The Face in Perm

Underground Dweller in Nizhniy Novgorod

Watcher Man in Krasnoyarsk

The Eyes of the City in Nizhniy Novgorod

Toothyman in Ekaterinburg

Riverman in Novosibirsk

The Fire in the Eyes in Nizhniy Novgorod

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