Opening: May 25, 18.00 – 21.00 h
Extraordinary performance by Alex Mirutziu, 19.00 hMay 25 – May 30th, 2010
Tue – Sat, 10.00 – 16.00 h
The Romanian Academy
Piazza José de San Martin, 100197,Rome, Italy
As part of the art fair Roma Road to Contemporary Art, taking place between the 25th and the 30th ofMay 2010, the Romanian Academy in Rome is hosting the exhibition entitled Play! curated by Mirela Pribac.
With or without rules, pure or subversive, logical or absurd, vital or derisive, the notion of play definescontemporary society in its most intimate aspects. We play when we are young and we continue playingwhen we grow up. We play hide-and-seek first with other children and further with our own selves, hidingbehind prejudices and restrictive social norms. We play with love, we play with politics, we play with life.Play! imagines a homo ludens who has become a deconstructor of the notion of play and a cruel analyst ofexistence, a homo ludens post-ludus who, by employing various mechanisms of play, engages himself in aprocess of self-sabotage by colliding against social order only to become the boomerang of his own selfproclamation.
Play! is a platform for ludic experiements of art as play. Going beyond Johan Huizinga’ homo ludens, wholives in a dimension where playing is a condition for the making of culture, the exhibition proposes aninvestigation into the mecanisms of play extracted from the life of homo ludens post ludus, the man whoreturns to the infantile purity of playing after passing through concupiscent identity games. The threeartists, Radu Comşa, Alex Mirutziu and Vlad Olariu meet at the level of the delicate membrane whereplaying becomes real life and where life itself is the very question of the action of playing.
For further information, please contact Galeria Sabot at info@galeria- sabot.ro.
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