Behold the latest installation by French artist Cyprien Gaillard who constructed this 72,000 bottle pyramid of beer in cardboard boxes (a beeramid, if you will) at KW Berlin. After signing a waiver participants are free to climb, open, and consume as many bottles of “Efes” beer as they desire, making this, in my eyes, the pinnacle of modern art as we know it. Though in all seriousness the pyramid is meant to act as a monument and its consumption is intended to illustrate the hyper-destruction of architectural relics that are often relocated to Berlin:

By using the monument – by climbing the sculpture and drinking the beer – its destruction is already initiated. The barbaric removal of single architectural elements that have been transported from their original location to Berlin, embodies both the concept of displacement and a tourist colonialism.

Gaillard’s pyramid will be gradually consumed through May 22. Art Observed notes:

The pyramid is now dilapidated, though one can still make out its general form. The corridor leading to the piece is lined with empty beer bottles, while the floor surrounding the former monument is covered with broken glass and half-smashed beer bottles.

(via we find wildness, art observed)