The exhibition entitled Woman Power in Art could be seen  by the public from till the end of February at the Cantacuzino Castle, in Busteni. Build at the beginning of XX century, in 1911, the neo-romanian castle was build at the wish of Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, prim-minister of Romania between 1899-1900 and 1904-1907.  In this elegant and noble interior, the art lovers are invited to see a large  number of  art woks, signed by artists from Romania and Est Europe.                    

When we think about the  exhibition art concept, it´s important to mention something about the feminism, seen as a paradigm of thinking, with its own characteristics.

Inside the gallery, we could see art works from the war period, interwar, industrialization, communism and postcommunism period.

From a cultural and socio -political perspective, the exhibition presents and analyzes some of the most relevant and influences images of feminine identity, as it was build and perceived in the european cultural area of civilization.

The series of artists who depicts in the artworks the period of industrialization and collectivization, the socialist realism period, is evidenced by Emilia Boboia, Alma Redlinger, Ana Iliut, Cornelia Danet, Elena Bianu, Eva Cerbu, etc. We will focus on some of the works where the human figure is surprised.

Emilia Boboia, in her own work, entitled About distance, render in engraving a pyramidal composition with 3 characters. The main character is underlined by an astonishing expressive force. The accent of characters are focused on physiognomy.

Alma Redlinger, in her woodcut work, Coppersmith, build an industrial universe. In contrast with the physiognomy, in the second plan, the art describe a geometric composition, with directions and perpective lines, summing up an industrial context to the work.

The theme of industrialization is found in the artwork Working for the electrification of villages, signed by Ana Iliut. The composition has an ascending direction by placing a diagonal, sketched by a few lines.

Cornelia Danet, through the series of linocuts with workers, in her artwork entitled 1933, render the socialist realism, the style who idealized realistic art, developed in the Soviet Union, in 1932. Robust worker physiognomies, dominant feature of  the socialist realism, are present in the artwork.

Elena Bianu, in her linocut, Under terror, brings in the forefront directions of the line that suggests weapons of war and which includes a worker, allusion to the terror of the war.

Eva Cerbu, in the artwork, Among collectivists, the idea of feminine is emphasized by the silhouette of  3 women surprised at the gathering. The eternal feminine is brought back to the forefront by the female features.

The theme of feminism is found in the artwork The Project comes to life. Captures feminine characters from different generations from the interwar period, are found on the street.

Elvira Micros render in pencils and watercolors a portrait of a woman in a popular costum, in the artwork Maramureseana.

Florica Codrescu has paid attention to the study of the portrait in woks as Young People from RP Polonia, Young people from RPR manifesting for peace, Ensemble from Omsk.

Antithesis from the highest society from the ´50 years and  peasants working was surprised by the artist Frieda Imling in the linocut They had everything.

Geta Bratescu renders a portrait of a real sensivity to the nunnery figures behind the bars.

The art loving public is invited to discover the artworks from the castel´s gallery, starting with February.    

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