Asociația Națională pentru Arte Vizuale Contemporane vă invită începând de joi, 20 oct 2016, ora 19.00, în spațiul cultural Gallery, la  expoziția de pictură al familiei de artiști PANEV din Bulgaria. Sunt expuse câteva picturi ale lui Gabriel Panev, desene originale ale lui Hristo Panev și un mix-media pe hârtie ale d-nei. Petya Panrva.

Hristo Panev
“The sense of live is in elaboration of human spirit, and the highest manifestation of the spirit is art, through it the artist in a moment of inspirations is touching to God” – Hristo Panev
Hristo Panev is a recognized author in the contemporary Bulgarian art. He works in the sphere of paintings, graphics, illustration, book design and monumental art.
His paintings are characterized with expressionism, rich colorful gamma, genre and theatrical variety. It is influenced from the Bulgarian icon and mainly from the Bulgarian fresco. Typical for his cycles: Frescos, Mythological scene, Bible subjects, Life subjects: Love, motherhood, music.
His graphic drawings are with clear line and closer to the poetry.
His monumental art are in technicks – sgraffito and dry fresco.
Hristo Panev is eternally seeking, a restless spirit in the contemporary Bulgaria art.

Birth place: He was born in 1942 in Krepost village, Haskovo district, Bulgaria. Graduated from Veliko Turnovo Univercity “St.St.Kiril and Metodii” in 1969 – subject black and white drawing. In 1976 – he became a member of the Union of the Bulgarian artists.
Exhibitions in Bulgaria: Pernik /1973/, Dimitrovgrad /1977, 2002, 2005, 2010/, Pavlikeni /1983/, Gabrovo /2003/, Plovdiv /2004/, Haskovo /1989, 1996, 2010/, Ruse /1997/, Nesebar /2004/, Shabla /2011/, Veliko Turnovo /1971, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2007, 2012/, Dryanovo /2010/, Lovech /2011/, Shabla /2011/, Varna /2001, 2011/, Sofia /1987, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2011, 2012/.
Exhibitions abroad: Germany – Hammeln /1991/, Hannover /1992, 1996/, Munster /1992/, Hammelburg /1993,2002/, Mossingen /1997,1998/, Switzerland – Bern /1993/, Bremgarten /1993/, Austria – Viena /1994/, Mossingen /1997,1998/, Hungary – Budapest /2003,2004,2015/, Slovakia – Snina /2002/, Croatia – Groznjian /2005/, Italy – Roma /2006/, Cortona /2010/, Turkey Istanbul /2011/, England, London /2016/
International salon of invention and innovation: Sofia/1997/-gold medal, USA – Pittsburgh /1998/ – gold medal, Cyprus/1998/ – gold medal, Casablanca /1998/ – silver medal.
He was awarded with the prize of Veliko Tarnovo 2006.
Honorary citizen of Dimitrovgrad 2002.
In 2011 – Actual member of the International Academy of Art at UNESCO “New Era.”
In 2011-Participate in the First International Art Exhibition of the actual members of the International Academy of the “New Era” Goverment Gallery in Moscow.
In 2012 – Participation in the exhibition “Mnogolikaya Russia” in the city Vladimir.
In 2013 – he was awarded with medal “Painter of the new Century” in the nomination “Painter of the Year” from World Art Academy “New Era”, in Istanbul, Turkey contribution to the development of modern European art.
In 2013 – he was awarded with medal “1150 years since the creation of the Russian Republic” by a decision of the Russian Academy of Arts in Moscow.
In 2013 – he was awarded for contemporary portrait in nomination “Work of Inspiration” in III International Art Exhibition in Gabala, Azerbaijan Republic.
In 2013 – He become honorary member of the Russian Government Art Academy with president Zurab Tseretely in Moscow.
In 2013 – Diploma for participation in the exhibition “Mnogolikaya Russia” in Kazan organized by the Russian Government Art Academy.
Works of the artist are in possession of galleries and private collections in Austria,England, Belgium, Germany, India, Mexico, France, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan, USA, Bulgaria, Greece etc.

foto Lucian Muntean

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Gabriel Panev
Gabriel Panev is a representative of the contemporary modern generation Bulgarian artists. He is graduated in the subject of painting at the Sts Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo. Still student he seeks his way of creative growth. Passing through the influence of surrealistic tendencies of western European art and reaching to the esthetics of the abstraction. He grow in the family of artists and is not get into their creative influence, as he search and found his own style subordinate to his own creative point of view, as well as of the newest tendencies of the modern European art. If we try to characterize the peculiarity of his art, we should mention, that it is rich of color gamma wearing the sign of the modern abstract painting. Something else, he uses symbols and signs of Christian culture with which meat deeper suggestions and messages to the spectator. If we should generalize the written up to here, we can say, that Gabriel Panev is talented, modern, thinking modern artist, which creative achievements are guarantee for rising way of development in the sphere of the contemporary modern painting.

The Artist Mr. GABRIEL PANEV was born in 1970 in Veliko Turnovo. In 1989 finished the Tzahko Lavrenov Art School. In 1996 graduated in the subject of painting at the Sts Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo.
Exhibitions in Bulgaria: Russe /1997/, Plovdiv /1998/, Haskovo /1998/, Veliko Turnovo /1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011,2012,2015/, Dimitrovgrad /2000/, Nesebar /2004/, Sofia /2002, 2003,2011/, Dryanovo /2010/, Lovech /2011/, Shabla /2011/, Varna /2011/.
One man shows in Europe: Germany – Munster /1992/, Hammelburg /1993/, Mossingen /1996, 1997/, Denmark – Vilberg /1994/, The Netherland – Alkmaar /2003/, Croatia – Groznian /2005, 2009/, Zadar /2009/, USA – New York – Manhattan /1998/, Massachusetts – Rockport/2002/, Boston /2002/, Hungary – Budapest /2007,2015/, Turkey – Antalya /2010/, Istanbul /2011,2012/, England, London /2016/
International salon of invention and innovation: Cyprus /1997/ – golden medal.
Awarded for fine arts from Boston’s Art Association: Boston /2002/
Awarded with first place for fine art at the Christmas Exhibition, 2012 in Veliko Turnovo from Rotary club and Representation of Veliko Tarnovo’s artists /2012/.
Work of the artist are in possession of galleries and private collections in: Germany, Denmark, Japan, France, Jordan, USA etc.


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Petya Panrva

DATE OF BIRTH: 23.11.1973
1999 – Graduated New Bulgarian University – subject “Economics and Business Administration”.
2002 – Finished art school for applied Arts in Veliko Turnovo.
2012 – graduated “Graphic and interior design”- professional school ” Intelekty”.

AWARDS: III-rd place at Woman Art Festival in Istanbul, 2013

E-MAIL : [email protected]

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