Károly Sándor Áron – Gun Works – 24’h exhibition in Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
KORUNK Studio Gallery
27’th May 2015 19:00 – 28’th May 2015 19:00

Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_0001 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_0002
Károly Sándor Áron, born in Cluj Napoca, now living in Hungary.

– Studies:
– Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary DLA studies 2002-2005, Doctorate 2009
– University of Art and Design, Photo-Video Digitized Image Processing Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 1997-2002

Gun Works – 2014

The function and the fields of use are well known for centuries. They are usually considered as tools of violence, and are also one of the most “money making” things on Earth.
Guns are used and developed for centuries to help man kind kill his enemies, defend himself or conquer. We can say a lots of things about them but we cannot deny for certain, that beside all of the “hideous” they carried, they have a certain beauty and great craftsmanship in themselves.
In the XX’th century – especially after WWII. – lots of known and less known artists used firearms and all sorts of guns to make art with and about them. This project aims to make a wider and deeper research in the artistic possibilities of firearms. I will use “weapons” to make pictures with them, about them and with the help of them. These series of images will not always have a direct or recognizable reference to weaponry, in some of them they are just used as a tool of making and creating art.

My experimentation is primarily connected with hand guns, theoretically I focus on the hidden meanings of the shot itself, the firearm and ammunition as object, traces and consequences of gunfire, ballistics etc.


Muzzle Fire Exposed Stockings
What is with all the excitement around a beautiful leg in nylon stockings? The sight of women legs was hidden for centuries, although this tabu just confirmed/justified the lust.
In this series I collect hosiery and take image of them like a lepidopterist collects and studies butterflies. The works are based on two technical issues connected with traditional analogue photography. The light sensitive materials darken after being exposed to light, burning gunpowder produces light. For those who are familiar with the photogram process the results can be a taken for granted, but these images were exposed with firing tree blank ammunitions from a gun.

Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7582

This technical process of the image making raises multiple interpretations of different ideas, but all connected with the notions of brutality and fragility.
110×50 cm.

X-Ray Guns
At first glance, firearms can be seen as complicated objects, but who thinks like that understates the simplicity and well put functionality of them. Knowing the anatomy of a gun makes it understandable and less terrifying.
Every part/component has its exact place and function, which helps in the perfect operation and completes the process of the shot.
I have been taking part is IPSC (International Practical Shooting Competition) matches for more then one and a half year, and I still get the chills when taking a gun in my hand. I handle them with care and a sort of fear, although I know the safety rules well enough. A firearms it’s not dangerous in itself.
In my project I make visible the inside out of these objects, which bear on themselves the proof of human ingenuity and functional creativity.

Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7584

acrylic image transfer on FABRIANO 640 g. paper 56×76 cm.
Ballistics as a science is divided into two different categories. One deals with the behaviour of the projectile/bullet before it exits the guns chamber, the other studies the characteristics of the slugs flight afterwords.
As a result of being exposed to different kinds of materials, on impact the bullet deforms. During my experiences on the shooting range, I always admired these unique objects which constantly have a particular look. Little sculptures of exclusive beauty.

In this work I’m studying the aesthetics of malformed bullets, the results are the end points of various experiments. The outcome of shooting in all sorts of materials like metal, rubber, dirt is exciting and unpredictable.

Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7600

acrylic image transfer on FABRIANO 640 g. paper, 19×13 cm. and 27×27 cm.
Clay Pigeons
The use of firearms – fortunately – is not limited just on violent acts. There are numerous shooting sports related to them with great and noble results. One of them is Skeet and Trap shooting, which are different from each other in the arrangement of the stage and the tasks for shooting.
The objects used to shoot on are also called clay pigeons (from the beginnings of this sport when live pigeons were used), composite disks (clay and plastic) of 11 cm. in diameter and between 25-28 mm. in thickness.
The project uses these characteristic objects to achieve a work of art with multiple meanings. The disks are painted to different vivid colours, and pictures of protected birds from Hungary are transferred onto them.
The status of protected birds/animals has a stated material value. My objects preserve these principles within the installation method.

Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7594

30 pieces of acrylic image transfer 11×11 cm.
Geometric Sequence
This short series depicts a development of the image, that operates with the technical outcome of drawing, traditional graphics and photography.
The works were made by a strict choreography that can relate to action art. In this case shooting art. It is a task completed with shooting, in which basic geometric forms are created and evolve from image to image.
The popper – used in IPSC sports – is a metal plate with human form. Onto this a given number of shots are fired from a certain distance is a precise amount of time. These dots are connected and documented afterwards, so the next round can start.

Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7592

acrylic image transfer on FABRIANO 640 g. paper 56×76 cm.


Opening speech: Havadi Nagy István
photo credits: László Horváth, Lehel Makara, Lucian Muntean

vernisaj Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron 2 vernisaj Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron 3 vernisaj Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron 4 vernisaj Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron 5 vernisaj Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron 6 vernisaj Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron 7Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7577 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7578 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7579 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7581 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7583 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7585 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7586 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7587 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7588 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7589 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7590 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7591 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7592 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7593 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7595 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7596 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7597 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7598 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7599 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7601 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7602 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7603 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7604 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7605 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7606 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7607 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7609 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7610 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_7611 Gun Works - Károly Sándor Áron - LM0_8881

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