Elizabeth Climo, or simply Liz Climo, is a talented young animator currently working with the everlasting The Simpsons TV-show. When her day job ends, however, she still has enough time, creative energy and inspiration to create adorable and witty comics that present various animals in amusing everyday interactions.
After finishing her work as a storyboard revisionist for The Simpsons, she returns to her nocturnal passion of drawing cute animals engaged in delightful dialogues. She has created a Tumblr dedicated specifically to these animal comics. The absurdity and humor that Liz meets in everyday interactions find their way into the simple and elegant illustrations that she shares with her fans.
The popularity of the animal comics came as a pleasant surprise to the artist. Her fan base grows bigger and bigger with every new piece, which was the greatest motivation for the artist. “I am pretty surprised by the response I have gotten on Tumblr so far, but am extremely thankful and appreciative,“ said the animator in an interview with Daily Dot. “These comics are dedicated to everyone. Hopefully they make you smile, because smiling is fun.”
Source: lizclimo.tumbrl.com | Facebook (via)
Simpsons Animator Liz Climo Creates Incredibly Cute Animal Comics on Tumblr originally appeared on Bored Panda.
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