vangogh-selfie-2320Website Hyperallergic has published a satirical list of the twenty least powerful types of people on the art market, written in response to Artlist’s recently published annual list of art’s 100 most powerful people.

The site places art critics at the head of its “least powerful” list, with no critics having appeared in the list produced by Artreview. After this, and always with a humorous slant, the website lists artists who produce traditional self-portraits, claiming that the contemporary “selfie” – self portraits taken using a camera or smart phone – has usurped the practice.

Curators who politicise their work are also “honoured”, along with artists who stunt their creativity by electing to respond only to commercial demand. The Detroit Institute of Art – currently selling its works in an attempt to rectify the city’s bankruptcy – appears in a less-than-favourable position, whilst emerging artists are shown to be endangered against the rise of celebrity artists (including Jay Z, James Franco, Lady Gaga).

The site’s other “powerless” sectors of the art market include physical, brick and mortar galleries; Occupy Wall Street; Brutalism; art students; interns; political artists; any artists who evoke a decade which is not the 1970′s; the Kunsthal Art Gallery, many of whose major works were stolen by Radu Dogaru and his accomplices; freedom of speech and human rights activists based in Russia; negative criticism; artist Yan Yinhong (who produced a performance denouncing sexual violence, during which she was sexually assaulted by male members of the audience); artists who are forced to move out of New York due to the high rent prices; Ann Freedman, art dealer for the Knoedler who has been accused of fraud; and, finally, photojournalists, who are becoming increasingly sidelined with the all-to-easy spread of images which the internet facilitates.

(image via

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