Alejandro Propato / Permanent Sunrise

Alejandro Propato / Permanent Sunrise

Vibeke Noergaard Roensbo / Remind

Phil Price / Snake

Yeo Chee Kiong / A yoga and pedicure diy session on the beach

Brandon Vickerd / Sputnik Returned

The Glue Society / Once (An entire amusement park crushed into a 4 x 4 metre cube.)

The Glue Society / Once, detail

The Glue Society / Once, detail

Last week marked the opening of Sculpture by the Sea in Aarhus, Denmark including sculptural artworks from 64 artists hailing from 22 countries around the world. Above are some of my favorite works currently on view, including the jaw-dropping sculpture Once by James Dive of the Glue Society (previously) who managed to compress an entire mobile amusement park into a 4×4 meter cube, rides, games, prizes and all. Worst. Carnival. Ever. Also of note is Alejandro Propato’s Permanent Sunrise, a colorful thread installation that visually aligns with the actual location of the sunrise over Aarhus Bay. Sculpture by the Sea will be on view through the end of the month.

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