Italian artist Angelo Musco creates incredible large-scale photographic compositions that are made up of thousands or even millions of human bodies. The time-consuming process of creating each piece starts with photo shoots of nude volunteers. The models are isolated in Photoshop and then added to Musco’s compositions. The final works, some of which have required two years of post production, can be upwards of 40 feet wide and 12 feet tall. The compositions often feature natural forms like forests and egg cells, or swirling aggregations. They are often references to child birth. Musco’s own birth was extremely difficult—he was born two months late, and was partially paralyzed during birth.

Musco will be the subject of Conception, a feature-length documentary by Robert Jason that is scheduled for release in fall 2013. His work will also be on display in a solo show at acte2galerie in Paris, April 11 to June 8, 2013. For more on Musco’s life and work, see this article on Time LightBox.

via Time LightBox, Visual News

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