Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur is pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition:  AGES. Portraits of Growing Older
(In co-operation with the Landesgalerie Linz of the Oberösterreischische Landesmuseum)
with photographs by Richard Avedon, Christian Borchert, Rineke Dijkstra, Seiichi Furuya,
Stefanie Grebe, Roni Horn, Wilma Hurskainen, Anna Jermolaewa, Friedl Kubelka, Andreas Mader, Michael Mauracher, Nicholas Nixon, Roman Opalka, Helga Paris and Thomas Struth on Thursday 21 March 2013 at 7 pm. Exhibition duration: 22 March – 28 July 2013

A guided tour (in German) with the curator Claudia Schubert: Saturday 27 April. at 5 pm, 29 June at 3 pm.

Guided tours in German take place regularly on Sundays at 3 pm. Tours in English can be arranged by appointment.

Opening hours: daily (except Wednesdays) from 2 – 7 pm, Monday entrance free of charge.

Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur
Im Mediapark 7, 50670 Cologne
Tel. +49-221-8889 5300  Fax +49-221-8889 5301
[email protected], http://www.photographie-sk-kultur.de

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