Bursele Henkel CEE 2012 pentru artisti din Europa Centrala si de Est, organizate ca parte a programului Artists-in-Residence al KulturKontakt Austria, ii invita pe artistii din domeniile pictura, desen, fotografie, video si instalatii sa participle la acest concurs cu premii.

Participanti eligibili
Pot participa artistii care au pana in 35 de ani si sunt din urmatoarele tari: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Belarus, Bosnia-Hertegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Muntenegru, Romania, Rusia, Serbia, Turcia si Ucraina.

Bursele Programul Artists-in-Residence al KulturKontakt Austria ofera o bursa de 3 luni pentru artisti din Europa Centrala si de Est, incluzand un studio, cazare, asigurare, o bursa lunara de 1000 Euro si prezentarea muncii artistului la finalul sederii sale in Viena. In plus, castigatorul va primi un premiu de 2000 Euro de la Henkel CEE. Castigatorul va fi anuntat in scris. Sesiunea de jurizare va avea loc la Viena la inceputul lui septembrie 2012.

Data limita: 27 iunie 2012
Detalii: http://www.eurodesk.ro/program.php?id=RO0010000394


KulturKontakt Austria’s “Artists in Residence”-programme provides for a stay of three months in Vienna, including the studio, accommodation, insurance, a monthly grant of € 1.000,- as well as an exhibition of the artist’s work at the end of the three-months period. Visual artists up to the age of 35 from the following countries in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe are eligible to apply: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.

The prize winners will be selected by an international jury in the beginning of September 2012 and will receive a notice in writing. The results of the jury meeting will also be available on this webpage.
The application should include:
•    a curriculum vitae and documentation of artistic development (in English or German; age limit: 35 years)
•    5 – 10 examples of work in the form of photos, folders and/or catalogues (max. size A3); no originals
Artwork in the fields of painting, drawing, photography: reproductions in the form of photos and/or catalogues (Format: maximum A3). No slides, CDs or DVDs!
Artwork in the fields of video and installation: Use DVDs! (Maximum duration of presentation: 10 minutes)

Oversized works and applications by e-mail will not be accepted.
Application material will not be returned after the jury-meeting.

to be postmarked no later than June 29th, 2012. Applications are to be addressed to:
KulturKontakt Austria
Kulturförderung + Sponsoring
Universitätsstraße 5, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Further information can be obtained from KulturKontakt Austria, Ms. Živa Vavpotič, at[email protected], or by calling +43 1 523 87 65 ext. 43.

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