Spaţiul Expoziţional de Artă Contemporană MAGMA
din Sfântu Gheorghe, vă invită la vernisajul expoziţiei de grup, intitulată


vineri, 10 septembrie, 2010, orele 19:00

ALBERT Levente, BAÁSZ Orsolya, BARTHA József, CSIKI Csaba, DAMOKOS Csaba, ÉLTES Barna, ESTEFÁN Arnold, GÁSPÁR Csongor és SZABÓ Melinda, HOSSZÚ Zoltán, IUGA Laura, IVÁCSON András Áron, IZSÁK Előd, KEREZSI Nemere, KISPÁL Ágnes-Evelin, KISPÁL Attila, KOLUMBÁN Hanna, KOZMA Éva, KOZMA Levente, KUSZTOS Attila, MADARAS Péter, MARTINI Yvette, MIKLÓSI Dénes, ÖRDÖG-GYÁRFÁS Ágota, SÁROSI Mátyás, SZABÓ Éva Eszter, SZABÓ Kriszta, SZABÓ Lehel, SZABÓ Péter Levente, TORÓ Attila, ÜTŐ Gusztáv, VÁNCSA Domokos, VARGHA Mihály, VERES Szabolcs, VETRÓ Barnabás, WANEK Ferenc

Expoziţia va fi deschisă până în 3 octombrie, a.c. în fiecare zi cu excepţia zilei de luni, între orele 11-19. Sfântu Gheorghe, P-ţa Libertăţii, nr. 2.

Organizator / Asociaţia Medium Contemporan MAGMA
Parteneri / Muzeul Naţional Secuiesc, Consiliul Judeţean Covasna
Sponsor / DOMO Retail
Parteneri media / Háromszék, Székely Hírmondó, Régió Rádió,,,,

Expoziţia a fost realizată sub egida Anului Artelor Plastice în judeţul Covasna

:the collection has thus a pre-history and its concept is to be continued. In the period of 12-21 September 2008 Magma exhibited a fragment of its collection in Kézdivásárhely. The works on display (predominantly video works) were to form the basis of the future Magma Contemporary Art Space. The three events together with twoMaybe exhibitions in 2002 and 2007, have emerged, erupted to become a messenger: there is going to be permanently tangible and thinkable, solidified contemporary art in Saint George.”
Zonga Bartha, 2008

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