Contemporary East European Art Guide
insightful presentation of East European museums, art institutions, galleries, art fairs, biennials, and works of art in public space. It focuses on giving both the knowledgeable insider and the casual novice a brief and easy-to-use synopsis of East European art highlights that are musts on the itinerary of anyone interested in contemporary art.

East European Cities for Art Lovers: Find anything around you

Romania Art:

  • Anaid Art Gallery

Anaid Art Gallery was established in 2004, and it is a portfolio private gallery designated for the contemporary art. The gallery has two levels and a circular parcours, and a surface of 120 sqm designated to the temporary contemporary art exhibitions. The gallery has developed a series of partnerships and collaborations with museums, cultural centers and arts universities from Romania and abroad. In the same time the gallery participating from 2005 on the international art market in the framework of international art fairs.
From 2006 Anaid Art Gallery is member of National Romanian Museums Network (RNMR) and from 2009 is member of Association des Commerçant en Oeuvres d’Art de Roumanie (ACOAR) how is the member of Confederation Internationale des Negociants en Oeuvres d’Art (CINOA).
Web URL:

  • Centre for Visual Introspection

The Centre for Visual Introspection is an independent centre for research, artistic and theoretical production founded in Bucharest by Anca Benera, Arnold Estefan, Catalin Rulea and Alina Serban. The Centre is set up as a self-organizational platform and conceived as a laboratory for critical inquiry, which aims to explore the cultural production in the framework of nowadays realities. The Centre strategy is to merge together knowledge production coming from political theory, art history and theory, design, architectural research and sound experiment, aiming to activate the cultural scene of Bucharest and to develop projects with direct social potential.
Web URL:

  • CNDB Centrul National al Dansului – Bucuresti

The National Center of Dance Bucharest is an institution whose purpose is to sustain, develop and promote contemporary dance. It is conceived as an open space and as an integrant part of the international choreographic context.
CNDB’s programs and projects encourage critical perspectives, the research and the experiment in the field of contemporary arts’ practice and theory. It encourages the rise up of an internationally extended platform reactive to dialog, reflection and debate.
Web URL:

  • [d]GALLERY


GALLERY este o galerie de tip “artist-run space”. O galerie pentru tineri artisti si pentru arta noua, fara pretentia de a fi un spatiu exclusiv experimental, dedicat generatiilor care apartin globalizarii ca factor determinant, interconectivitatii virtuale si informatiei libere.

418 Gallery was founded as a channel for Romanian artists, enabling their work to be known and seen throughout the world. We are focused on paintings, sculptures, installations and photographic works by an innovative generation of artists. Romania is in a transitional period after 50 years of communism and its aftermath; the artists transfer their individual view and experience with the social and political environment into visual art. This is a special, historically rooted source of creativity, an opportunity for great artistic talent to burst forward.
Monday to Friday 11:00 am – 19:00 pm
Or by Appointment  T / FAX 021 211 7833, M 0747 480 630
418 Contemporary Art Gallery
Intrarea Armasului, No.12, Et.2
Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Raluca Tanasescu [email protected]
  • UNAgaleria

UNAgaleria (10 G-ral Budisteanu, Bucharest) is the exhibiting space of the Bucharest National University of Arts, dedicated to the organisation of events – exhibitions, seminars, workshops, round tables, interdisciplinary projects – that promote the university and foster creativity and innovation in the academic curriculum as well as the other activities of students and professors. UNAgaleria is run by a curatorial board that proposes, selects and coordinates the activities taking place in this venue. The board members have different backgrounds and specific responsibilities in organising and coordinating gallery events. The yearly programme of the gallery is launched through semestrial calls for projects; proposals come from students and professors from the university as well as from guest artists and curators.
Web URL:

  • H’art Gallery

H’art Gallery opened in late 2002, being the second portfolio private-run gallery in Romania. The main goal is to promote young contemporary art and to consolidate the art market environment. The focus is on the generation of artists educated after the fall of the Communist regime in 1989. Dumitru Gorzo, Ovidiu Fenes, Florin Ciulache, Anca Muresan, Alexandru Paul, Roman Tolici, Raul Ciosici, Ana Banica, Daniel Gontz, Arantxa Etcheverria, Michele Bressan, Vlad Nanca, Ion Barladeanu are some of the most active artists that H’art Gallery proudly represents.
Adress: 105 – 107 Str. Mihai Eminescu
[email protected]
Tel +4 021 210 8351
Fax +4 021 210 8351
Web URL:

  • Andreiana Mihail Gallery

Adress: Pandele Tarusanu street
deschis/ open: Miercuri
-Vineri 15,00-19,00, Simbata de la 12,00-15,00 sau cu programare la
telefon 0722 650 221 sau 0722 390 362.
Web URL:

  • Ivan Gallery

PROJECT SPACE: Maria Rosetti 53, 020483, Bucharest
GALLERY SPACE: Dr. Dimitrie Grecescu nr.13, 050598, Bucharest
Web URL:

  • Galeria Posibila

str. Popa Petre, nr. 6, Bucuresti
Web URL:

  • Laika

Laika is an artist-run space opened in 2008 both in Cluj and Bucharest, aiming to promote emerging contemporary artists as well as atypical projects signed by already established artists from the international art scene.
Web URL:


PAVILION UNICREDIT, the center of contemporary art and culture, is located in Victoria Square. PU is a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of the critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of the art and of the cultural institutions. Nevertheless, the basic function of the space will remain the concretization.
Web URL:

  • 418 Gallery
was founded as a channel for Romanian artists, enabling their work to be known and seen throughout the world. We are focused on paintings, sculptures, installations and photographic works by an innovative generation of artists. Romania is in a transitional period after 50 years of communism and its aftermath; the artists transfer their individual view and experience with the social and political environment into visual art. This is a special, historically rooted source of creativity, an opportunity for great artistic talent to burst forward.
Monday to Friday 11:00 am – 19:00 pm
Or by Appointment  T / FAX 021 211 7833, M 0747 480 630
418 Contemporary Art Gallery
Intrarea Armasului, No.12, Et.2
Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Raluca Tanasescu [email protected]
  • Atelier in tranzitie

str. Edgard Quinet nr.8 vis-a-vis de Cofetaria Capsa
ATELIER IN TRANZITIE este o posibilitate de a expune intr-un cadru neconventional si intr-un mod mai dinamic, vizand o interactiune intre mai multi artisti si mai multe medii de exprimare artistica, creand o relatie directa cu publicul prin accesul acestuia nemediat la procesul creator.In acest spatiu atelier-galerie se vor realiza in comun de catre mai multi artisti o serie de actiuni si lucrari. Spatiul in care se manifesta un artist este intr-o continua miscare, opera lui de arta este tranzitorie odata cu autorul ei. Artistul are capacitatea de a modela cadrul in care plaseaza artasa.
Web URL:

  • Muzeul de Arta Comparata Sangeorz Bai

Adresa: Republicii nr. 66
Localitate: Sangeorz-Bai
Judet: Bistrita Nasaud
Tel: 0263 370219
Colectia de baza o constituie lucrarile de arta contemporana – sculptura (lemn, marmura, piatra, metal), pictura, fotografie, grafica (desen, xilogravura, litogravura, linogravura), ceramica, portelan, teracota – a 135 de artisti invitati în cele 15 editii ale Simpozionului International de Arta Contemporana „ART”. Piesele etnografice existente doar permit comunicarea între trecut si timpul prezent. De altfel, planul conceptual al Muzeului – ce apartine plasticianului Maxim Dumitras, sef de sectie – se bazeaza pe ideea de dialog estetic între obiectul utilitar cu semnificatie etnografica si obiectul artistic contemporan. De aici si denumirea de Muzeu de Arta Comparata. Scopul declarat este de a surprinde si transmite spiritualitatea zonei prin arta, prin creatie, refuzând sa accepte ideea de muzeu ca spatiu – adapost pentru bunuri mobile ce apartin trecutului.
Web URL:

  • The Contemporary Art Gallery of the National Brukenthal Museum

The Contemporary Art Gallery of the National Brukenthal Museum is housed by a building of architectural and historical significance; dated in 1901, the building accommodated varied cultural institutions, today re-defining step-by-step as a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art.

The Contemporary Art Gallery of the National Brukenthal Museum holds an important position in the area of promotional activities of contemporary Romanian art, representing a strong alternative to the unique trend set up by the National Contemporary Art Museum in Bucharest, being public oriented and envisaging a highly free and innovative selection of works.

Over the last years, in this gallery exhibited the whole Romanian contemporary artistic scene; the Romanian and foreign curators enjoyed the opportunity of freely discussing their projects, their debates conferring a certain consistency to the space on Tribunei Street, resulting in its consecration as mark of the conceptual map that describes the contemporary Romanian artistic domain.
Web URL:

  • Galeria Atas

Adress: Matei Corvin street, 6
Eliminarea granitelor si prejudecatilor a impus galeria Atas ca o galerie experimentala unde reusita si succesul sunt notiuni discutabile, cu adevarat importanta fiind rularea efectiva a unor puncte de vedere diferite si atasarea lor la actualitate.
Criteriile care opereaza in selectia expozitiilor studentilor la galeria Atas sunt originalitatea, intensitatea propunerii si gradul de implicare a discursului artistic in schimbul de idei, mentinand astfel un nivel ridicat al expozitiilor.
Web URL:

  • Fabrica de Pensule Cluj

Fabrica de pensule, un nou spatiu de arta contemporana din Cluj  include 5 galerii de arta, 2 studiouri de teatru/dans/multimedia, 17 ateliere de artisti precum si sediul a 12 organizatii culturale.

Centrul este situat in fosta Fabrica de Pensule (pe strada Henri Barbusse nr 59-61) si concentreaza, pe o suprafata de 2000 mp, 29 de spatii de arta contemporana: ateliere de artisti, galerii si organizatii culturale active in domeniile artelor vizuale, dansului contemporan si teatrului. Centrul isi propune sa puna pe harta comunitatii locale, dar si pe scena artistica internationala, un spatiu independent de creatie si difuzare artistica.
Web URL:

  • Sabot

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

mailing address: 12 Horea street, ap. 10, 400038, Cluj-Napoca, RO
mob.: +40723224105
exhibition space: 59-61 Henri Barbusse street, 400616, Cluj-Napoca (within the Paintbrush Factory)Opening hours:
Tue – Sat, 4 – 8 p.m.
Sun, Mon – closed

Web URL:

  • Plan B

Romania: Str. Henri Barbusse 59–61 400616 Cluj
Tel +40.740.658555
Tuesday–Friday, 16–19 h
[email protected]

Web URL:

  • Jecza Gallery

Adress: Calea Martirilor
nr.51/45 1900 Timisoara
Web URL:

  • Galeria Calina

Spatiul de Arta Contemporana, Galeria Calina a fost inaugurat in 26 februarie 2007, in vecinatatea Hotelului Timisoara si Operei Romane, in centrul orasului Timisoara.

Galeria Calina isi propune sa expuna artisti contemporani din tara si strainatate, incurajand creatia tinerilor.
Expozitiile sunt completate cu cataloage, filme, flyere, carti postale despre artist si creatia sa.
Web URL:

  • Centrul de Cultura „George Apostu” Bacau

Adresa: Str. Crangului nr. 18
Telefon: 0234545515
Fax: 0234571083
Email: [email protected]
Centrul de Cultura  „George Apostu” Bacau a fost fondat din dorinta expresa de a provoca si intretine un permanent si viu dialog intre cele mai diverse genuri ale creatiei, dovedeste prin realizarile  de-a lungul timpului, implicarea sa in efortul general de integrare in dimensiunea europeana a culturii.
Web URL:

  • Periferic – International Biennial for Contemporary Art

Periferic project was initiated in 1997 in Iasi by the Romanian artist Matei Bejenaru. Iasi is one of the major universitary cities in Romania, situated in the North East of the country, close to the border with the Republic of Moldova.
Web URL:

  • MNAC – National Museum of Contemporary Art

Address: MNAC, Izvor St. 2-4, wing E4, Bucharest, Romania / Entrance from Calea
13 Septembrie
Open: Wednesday – Sunday 10 am – 6 pm
e-mail info (at) [email protected]
tel. 0040-21-3189137; 3139115
fax. 0040-21-3189138; 3121502
Web URL:

  • The Ark – Bursa Mărfurilor

ARK- Bursa Mărfurilor este un spatiu unic in Bucuresti unde cererea si oferta se intalnesc in spatiile complementare ale artei, marketingului, comunicarii si serviciilor de care sunt interesati actorii din industriile creative.
Web URL:

  • Recycle Nest

SATURDAY 1300-2100
[email protected]+40 771 136 780

  • Artmark – Art Galleries & Auction House

Adresa: Str. Logofat Luca Stroici, nr. 18, 020582 Bucuresti
Telefoane programari: 0755 386.090; 0756 056.102
Telefon informatii: 021 210 30 16
Persoana de contact – Ioana Popescu
Fax: 021 210 30 15
E-mail: [email protected]
Web URL:

  • Galeria Carturesti

Adresa: Strada Pictor Verona 13
Telefon: (+40)21 212 19 22
Web URL:

  • Kollector Gallery

Adress: Blanari str. nr. 21 (vis-a-vis Club A)

  • Galeria Mora

Adress: Grigore Mora 39 (la mansarda)
tel: 021 316 55 41 / 0721 211 205 / 0726 345 751
program: luni-vineri 11-17

  • Paradis Garaj

Adress: Batistei 20

  • Magazinul National de Arta Contemporana & Galeria 26

Adress: Dr. Staicovici, Nr.26. / OTA
Web URL:

  • Atelier 35

Asociatia Atelier35 are misiunea de a sprijini dezvoltarea tinerilor artisti si de a valorifica potentialul artistic romanesc.

Consideram necesara relansarea conceptului care a stat la baza Atelierului 35,
mai ales prin invitarea generatiei tinere de a fi membri activi, de a lua parte cu mai multa convingere la fenomenul
artistic contemporan, avand ca exemplu modalitatile de exprimare, de foarte multe ori curajoase
in trecutul Atelierului 35, in perioade care poate au fost mai putin favorabile mijloacelor de expresie noi.

Adress:  Selari 13
Web URL:

  • Veroniki Art

Adress: Intrarea Murmurului nr. 2-4, 2D, Sector 1, Bucuresti
tel: 0722 357222, 021 2329844
Web URL:

  • Galeria KAROUSEL

Adress: Grigore Alexandrescu 89-97
Metropolis Center, Sector 1, Bucuresti
* Visits by appointments only
[email protected]
Web URL:

  • 115 Digital Art Gallery

Galeria de Arta Digitala 115 este dedicata expunerii si promovarii artei digitale in toate formele ei de manifestare. Arta digitala a devenit o componenta esentiala a artei contemporane. Noile instrumente revolutioneaza felul in care artistii gandesc si creeaza si astfel, imagini care nu s-ar fi putut realiza in mod traditional, sunt acum posibile prin intermediul interfetelor computerizate. Artistii viitorului nu vor fi cunoscut niciodata o lume fara tehnologie si pentru ei, instrumentele de creatie vor fi cele digitale.
Adress: Mihai Eminescu 115
Program: Luni – Sambata: 12.00 – 20.00; Duminica: inchis
Web URL:

Hungary Art:

  • MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts

4026 Debrecen, Baltazár Dezső tér 1.
Telephone: +36-52-525-018
Fax: +36-52-555-754
E-mail: [email protected]
Web URL:

  • Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art

Palace of Arts
Komor Marcell u. 1, Budapest, H-1095

The Ludwig Museum’s opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday: 10 am – 8 pm
Closed on Mondays

On the last Sunday of every month, free admission for all visitors under 26, as well as for maximum 2 close relatives accompanying children under 18.
Please ask for free tickets at the museum’s information desk.
Web URL:

  • Műcsarnok/Kunsthalle (Palace of Arts)

Műcsarnok is the definitive exhibition gallery in Hungary for the contemporary arts. Conceived on the model of the German Kunsthalles, the neo-Renaissance building was erected in 1896, for the country’s Millennial celebrations.
Our mission is to mediate, present and influence Hungarian and international trends and phenomena in the contemporary visual arts. At five to six major exhibitions annually – including many that are groundbreaking in the East-Central European region (Luc Tuymans’ Retrospective; The Leipzig Phenomenon, What’s Up? – A panorama of Contemporary Hungarian Art; Thomas Ruff’ Retrospective; Mi Vida – Heaven and Hell – The MUSAC’s collection in Budapest) – we present renowned local and foreign contemporary artists
Address: Hungary, Budapest
H-1146 Dózsa György út 37. (Hősök tere)
Post address: H-1406 Pf. 35.
Phone: +36 1 460 7000
Fax: +36 1 363 7205
E-mail: [email protected]
Web URL:

  • Ernst Múzeum

Műcsarnok also shape the exhibition programme of Ernst Museum and Dorottya Gallery, which are now part of Műcsarnok, in this spirit: the former hosts projects – thematic solo and group exhibitions – that reflect on the social and urban environment quickly and flexibly, while the latter specializes in presenting promising young talents, beside well-established artists.
Address: H-1065 Budapest
Nagymező u. 8.
Post address:H-1406 Pf. 35.
Phone: +36 1 413 1310, 341 4355
Fax: +36 1 321 6410
E-mail: [email protected]
Web URL:

  • Dorottya Gallery

Address: 1051 Budapest, Dorottya u. 8.
Post address: H-1406 Pf. 35.
Phone: +36 1 266 0877
E-mail: [email protected]

  • Trafó – House of Contemporary Arts

Trafó is an institution, a building, a place, a medium, an intellectual adventure, a risk and a possibility. It is a house that belongs to the contemporary arts; a place where life speaks about dance, theater, visual arts, literature and music; a theater, which has no company, and where the viewer is equal with the created opportunity.Trafó is a place where emotion is allowed more space than usual alongside abstraction, a place through which we can look out into the world.

Ticket Office: Mon-Fri 2-8 pm, Sat-Sun 5-8 pm

Trafó Gallery: 4-7 pm every day except monday one hour before and after events in the Main Room

Adress: 1094 Budapest, Liliom u. 41.
Web URL:

  • Institute of Contemporary Art

H – 2400 Dunaújváros
Adress: Vasmű út 12.
t/f: +36 25 412 220
[email protected]
opening hours: daily from 10 AM to 6 PM, except on Sundays and on holidays
Web URL:

  • Association of Hungarian Photographers

Adress: 1065 Budapest, Nagymező u. 20.
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30 a.m-3:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m
Szamódy Zsolt- chairman
Martonné Csapó Beatrix- acting secretary
Pelsőczy Ágnes- assistant
Tel:+36 1- 311-2626
Fax:+36 1 311-3269
[email protected]
Web URL:

  • ArtBázis – artistic workshop and gallery

Adress: 1085 Budapest, Horánszky utca 25.
Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Telek Balázs – artistic director.
Halász Gabi – commonication manager.
[email protected]
Web URL:

  • Deák Erika Gallery

Address: 1061 Jókai tér 1
City: Budapest
Area: District 6., City center
Phone: 302 4927
Opening Hours: Wed-Fri: 12-18 , Sat: 11-16
Web URL:

  • ACB Gallery

Address: 1068 Budapest, Király utca 76.,
by public transport: 4-6 tram: Király u., 70, 78-as trolley: Nagykörúttel.: (1) 413-7608, (1) 413-7609
Open hours: Tuesday – Friday 14.00 – 18.00or by appointment
e-mail: [email protected]
Web URL:

  • Dovin

Dovin opened in 1988 with the goal of becoming one of the founders of a quality contemporary art market in Hungary.
Address: 1052 Budapest Galamb u. 6.
phone: +36 1 3183673
fax: +36 1 3183673
[email protected]
Web URL:
director: Katalin Délceg
assistant: Adrien Török
opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 12 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 11 am – 2 pm

  • Godot Insitute of Contemporary Art

Address: 1075 Madách Imre út 8
City: Budapest
Area: District 7.
Phone: 322 5272
Opening Hours: Tue-Fri: 10-18, Sat:10-13
Web URL:

  • Hungarian House of Photography in Mai Mano House

The Hungarian House of Photography, uniquely in Europe, was built for the purpose of exhibiting photography. A multi-storey building under historical monument protection, its primary task is to give home to Hungarian and international historical and contemporary photographical exhibitions.

Built in 1894, used to give home to Budapest’s most famous music club called Arizona, which opened in 1931. The owners were deported by the Hungarian Nazis in 1944. Later the building served as a school, then a showroom, to be used by the Hungarian Motorists’ Club for thirty years. The Mai Manó Gallery is on the first floor, and the House of Hungarian Photographers is on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
Address: 1065 Nagymező utca 20
City: Budapest
Area: District 6. City Center
Phone: 473 2666
Opening Hours: Mon–Fri: 14–19, Sat–Sun: 11–19
Web URL:

  • KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre

Web URL:

  • kArton Gallery

Address: 1054 Alkotmány utca 18
City: Budapest
Area: District 5., City center
Phone: 472 0000
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 13-18. Sat: 10-14
Web URL:

  • KOGART House

This is a private institution, with classic contemporary art exhibitions, with special emphasis on the works of art of the youngest generation of Hungarian artists.
Address: 1062 Andrássy út 112
City: Budapest
Area: District 6.
Phone: 354 3836
Opening Hours: Mon-Sun: 10–18
Web URL:

  • Nagyházi Gallery and Auction House

Nagyházi Gallery is one of the leading auction houses in Hungary.
The reliable work and the sound knowledge of a professional team of art historians, experts and restorers guarantee the success of our gallery.
Address: 1055 Balaton utca 8
City: Budapest
Area: District 5. City center
Phone: 475 2090
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri:10-18, Sat:10-14
Web URL:

  • Pintér Sonja Gallery

In addition to selling antiques, our Gallery deals with contemporary art as well. In 2000, we started Pintér Sonja Contemporary Gallery, which has since hosted many exhibitons for Hungarian and other European artists.
Address: 1055 Falk Miksa utca 10
City: Budapest
Area: District 5. City center
Phone: 311-3030
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-18, Sat:10-14
Web URL:

  • The Hungarian University of Fine Arts

The Hungarian University of Fine Arts has been a determining and symbolic place of Budapest for 138 years.  The old Műcsarnok and Mintarajztanoda on the Anrássy street have been continusly the centre of the Hungarian fine arts life. Through the 20th century the institution became university because of honouring its activity in education and qualification those are practised on a very high level. The most famous artists taught here among others were Gusztáv Keleti, Bertalan Székely, Frigyes Schulek, Gyula Benczúr, Alajos Stróbl. The University lies in the centre of Budapest with her belonging buildings, these are the old Műcsarnok and Epreskert. Among her pedges there are lots of Hungarian and foreign exhibitions of contemporary arts. Huge percentage of her exhibitons contains the art students work.

Address: 1062 Andrássy út 69-71.
City: Budapest
Area: District 6.
Phone: +36-1-342-1738
Web URL:

  • Várfok Gallery

Address: 1012 Várfok utca 11
City: Budapest
Area: District 1.
Phone: 213 5155
Opening Hours: Tue-Sat:11-18
Web URL:

  • Vintage Gallery

Address: 1053 Magyar utca 26
City: Budapest
Area: District 5. City center
Phone: 337 0584
Opening Hours: Tue-Fri: 14-18
Web URL:

  • Virág Judit Gallery and Auction House

Address: 1055 Falk Miksa utca 30
City: Budapest
Area: District 5. City center
Phone: 312 2071
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri:10-18, Sat:10-13
Web URL:

  • Pécs European Capital of Culture 2010

The Pécs2010 InfoPoint of the Pécs2010

Bulgary Art:

  • Sofia Art Gallery

The SAG is a museum with longstanding traditions. Its role is to present the facts of Bulgarian cultural history in an analytical and modern way and to actively intervene in art developments by original and impressive projects.
Adress: 1, Gen. Gurko Str. Sofia 1000
(entrance – from Kniaz Al. Batenberg Str.)
tel. 00359 2 9872181
working hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Monday: day off
admission: free
Web URL:

  • Art Gallery – Dobrich

Art Gallery – Dobrich is a city museum of fine arts, located in the administrative center of the North – Eastern region with the same name – Dobrich and specializing all kinds of museum activities. It is a cultural institute, participating in the accomplishment and implementation of the regional policy, regarding preservation, study and popularization of fine arts. The Gallery works for the benefit of the local community. It encourages and popularizes the local creative groups. It works for various public groups. The Gallery is “open” for new contacts with national and foreign cultural institutions and implementation of various projects.
Adress: 14, Bulgaria St., 9300 Dobrich, Bulgaria
tel.: 00359 58 602 215; 00359 58 602 091
e-mail: [email protected]
Working time:
9.00 – 12.30 / 13.30 – 18.00
monday – friday
Web URL:

  • Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia

The Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia is a private, non-profit NGO, an association of curators, artists and cultural theoreticians. It is dedicated to the study, understanding, promotion and practice of the visual arts of the late twentieth and early twenty first century, to the reestablishment and furthering of the dilogue between cultures and art scenes, to the search for an open art dialogue with everyone.
Adress: 28, Chataldja Street, Sofia 1504, Bulgaria
Iara Boubnova – [email protected]
Phones: 00359 887510585 // 00359 2 8466433
Web URL:

  • ICA Gallery

The opening of the ICA–Sofia Gallery was made possible by the dedicated conviction of Slava Nakovska and Nedko Solakov that it was not only absolutely necessary to have the gallery but that it was also possible to realize it in the rather thin and amnesic Bulgarian cultural space and especially by their strategic and persistent efforts on its materialization.
Adress: 134, Vassil Levski Blvd.
Sofia 1504
3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
tel. (+359 2) 846 62 61
fax: (+359 2) 944 00 12
e-mail: [email protected]
Web URL:

  • ARC Projects

In September 2007, a new gallery of contemporary art, ARC Projects, opened its doors in Sofia, Bulgaria. ARC Projects has an international perspective, representing artists from Bulgaria, Bosnia, Estonia, Serbia, Slovenia, and the UK.

The gallery is centrally located in Sofia’s main shopping district, occupying the fourth floor of a distinctive blue glazed building on Boulevard Vitosha, just opposite the National Palace of Culture. The gallery space frontage is a large glass curtain wall, giving impressive views over one of the city’s main parks. The 110 square metre (1,100 square feet) gallery space was designed in conjunction with LIA, Sofia, and features a large rectangular exhibition space, a private viewing area and office.
Staff: Chris Byrne, Co-Director;
Iliyana Nedkova, Co-Director
Address: 4th Floor, Boulevard Vitosha 90, 1463 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 (0)886 288 368
E-mail: [email protected]
Web URL:


The aim of the new shop is to exhibit and sale works in the field of the new, alternative, and experimental art.
In partnership with Center for Contemporary art and the media, the gallery will inform the public and promote the exhibitions in search for the new customer.
Adress: 36 Konstantin Stoilov Str., Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria
tel: +359 32 / 638868, +359 888529224
E-mail: [email protected]
Open monday to fiday 10:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M.
Web URL:

  • Art Today Association

was established in 1997 as a nongovernmental organization registered in public favor. The Association’s aim is to present alternative and experimental forms of contemporary art; to work for their study and documentation; to build an informational data base presenting contemporary authors; to prepare periodical and unique print materials for art; to create a multimedia laboratory and residence program; to implement training programs for young people; to organize seminars, discussions, workshops; to popularize its activity among wide range of people, giving priority to pupils, students and young people.

Since its establishment Art Today Association works for the building of the Center for Contemporary Art – Plovdiv. The association won the right to situate the Center in the Ancient Rome Bath premises, rebuild in the period of the Turkish Empire. The building belongs to the Municipality and is a unique monument of culture from the 16th century with a specific interior.

Mail address: 36 Konstantin Stoilov Str. 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tel./ fax +359 32 638868
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Rositsa Dekova

Web URL:

  • Gaudenz B. Ruf Award

The Gaudenz B. Ruf Award was set up in 2007 by a Swiss national who lived in Bulgaria from 1995 to 2000, during which time he became acquainted with the rich cultural life of the country and convinced of its artistic potential.
The Award is financed through a fund established in Switzerland.
The aim of the Award is to promote and propagate artistic expression in Bulgaria in the field of visual arts and to focus in particular on the younger generation.
The Award is granted annually to a young and to an advanced artist, within the framework of a competition.

Adress: 96 Tsar Assen Street
1463 Sofia / Bulgaria or
P.O. Box 1461
1000 Sofia / Bulgaria or
[email protected]
Web URL:

  • Redhouse Centre for Culture and Debate

is a multifunctional cultural and socio-political centre. It is designed as a space where artistic experiment and public debate on “hot” socio-political issues meet, the meeting point being the openness of perception, the lack of prejudices, the tolerance to the different. After the reconstruction of the building, the Centre for Culture and Debate will be located in the house-atelier of the great Bulgarian sculptor of the first half of the 20th century Andrej Nikolov. The building – work of the great architect of the time Ivan Vassiljov, and a cultural monument of a national significance – has been abandoned in the last decades. Our aim is to bring life again in this unique space.

The centre will be equipped with multifunctional spaces, suitable for the whole range of activities planned (performances, exhibitions, public debates, public lectures, film screenings, etc.). It will also host a permanent exhibition of Andrej Nikolov’s work, a resource library, an artist-in-residence facility, and a café-restaurant.

Web URL:

  • One Magazine

One Magazine is an independent Bulgarian monthly publication. The first issue came out in April 2002. Ever since then, its pages have been full of stories about positive agents and contemporary cultural, subcultural and social phenomena. We do our best to be a visual pleasure, as well as a great, stimulating read. We don’t teach anybody how to live a life.But we do try to make a difference – as a search engine for positive examples, a tribune for great ideas and a platform for inspiring events. We come out 11 times a year on recycled paper. Online we go daily. And quite often you can catch us live.

Adress: 22 Patriarh Evtimii Blvd
+359 2 988 1009
[email protected]
Web URL:

Ukraine Art:

  • PinchukArtCentre

The PinchukArtCentre is an institution implemented by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in the realm of culture. It is one of the largest centres for contemporary art in the Eastern Europe. The key mission of the PinchukArtCentre is to modernise the Ukrainian artistic scene and to promote the development of a new generation of Ukrainian artists. The Centre presents a variety of exhibitions by leading international and Ukrainian artists. Additionally, the PinchukArtCentre organises varied educational programs and is a platform for support for other cultural projects.

Adress: 1/3-2, “А” Block,
Chervonoarmyska / Baseyna vul.,
Kyiv , Ukraine 01004
tel.: +38 (044) 590/08/58
e-mail: [email protected]

Open hours:
Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 until 21:00
Closed Monday
Admission is Free

Web URL:

  • Contemporary Art Centre

Adress: vul. Skovorody 2

вул. Сковороди, 2 (Староакадемічний корпус НаУКМА) 04070 Київ

тел./факс 425 777 8

Web URL:

  • EIDOS Arts Development Foundation

EIDOS Arts Development Foundation is a non-governmental organisation committed to supporting contemporary art in Ukraine. EIDOS wants to integrate Ukrainian art into the world cultural space, as well as encourage young artists within the country. The foundation is responsible for the “EIDOS” International Visual Arts Competition, the Grant Project “Public Space 2007-2008”, an ongoing series of workshops titled “European Standards in Journalism”, as well as key contemporary art events.

EIDOS was founded and continuously supported by three major Ukrainian public figures and patrons of the arts – Ludmila Bereznitsky, Lubov Michailova and Petro Bagriy. Ludmila Bereznitsky, the President of the Foundation, is a leading Ukrainian art-critic and curator. Lubov Michailova and Petro Bahriy are the country’s leading businesspeople committed to developing contemporary art and influencing the cultural policy process.

Address: Ukraine, 04071. Kyiv, 5 Spasska str., of. 30

tel.: +38 044 219-17-89, +38 044 219-33-60, +38 044 219-33-70

Contacts: Ludmila Bereznitska, PhD. President e-mail: [email protected]

Web URL:

  • Kiev Art Gallery

The Kiev Art Gallery is located in the 19th century building in Nizhni Val Street in Podol (the nearest metro station is “Kontractova Sguare”). Podol has always been an artistic district of the Ukrainian capital and one of the most favorite places of artists, actors and musicians.

Kiev Art Gallery is a modern American and Ukrainian joint project. The works of the best Ukrainian artists as well as of artists from other countries are represented in the gallery.

The gallery has an ability to perform individual orders. Kiev Art Gallery accomplishes any orders and suggestions at really high creative level. They can design interior of your home or office, help to select matching art works. At the gallery you can order a variety of icons executed in accordance to ancient traditions of icon painting.

Address: Kyiv, 17 Nizhni Val st.
Phone:(044)416-01-83, (044)417-35-78
Working hours:Open daily 11a.m. till 7p.m. Monday – day-off.
Web URL:

  • “SOVIART” gallery

“Soviart” – is the first in the former USSR and Ukraine non-State center of the contemporary art. Since having been founded in 1987 it realized the most substantial artistic National and International projects in Ukraine, published the most significant catalogues, CD etc.

For 10 years of the Association’s activity:

  • 7 International Art festivals in Kyiv
  • International bienale of nonfigurative painting
  • Festival “Cultural heroes”
  • Art-projects presentation in Russia, Germany, Holland, UAE, Denmark
  • Three-year-project out of the 12 exhibitions “Art of Ukraine of the XX century”
  • First in Ukraine art-journal “Gallery” since 1998
  • Since 1999 realization of the National art-rating
  • Five-year program of the contemporary art museum creation in Kyiv, 1999-2004 etc.

Address:Ukraine, 01025, Kyiv, Andriyivsky Spusk, 22A
Working hours: Open daily 11a.m. till 7p.m. Monday – day-off.
Web URL:

  • Atelier Karas

Gallery is placed in the upper floor of the house, built by unknown architect in 1857. Founders of the gallery – family of the artists: Eugene Karas – son, director of the gallery, Valery Karas – father, artist of monument, Marietta Levkhanyan – mother, artist of ceramics.

In 1986 they have got art atelier in Andriyivsky Uzviz according to decree of Ministers’ Council of Ukraine. The gallery building has become a favorite place for contacts of culture elite, wished as aesthetic space of interesting meetings. The Karas gallery is one of the most modish Kiev art galleries.

Address:Ukraine, 01025, Kyiv, Andriyivsky Spusk, 22A
Working hours: Open daily 11a.m. till 7p.m. without lunch break and days-off. Paintings of modern Ukrainian artists

Web URL:

  • The KrAM Project

When the proposal was made in summer 2008 to present KrAM (Criticism of Actual Art) internationally and in particular to the audience of INDEX (the Swedish Contemporary Foundation, Stockholm) all the founders of KrAM began to think… Mainly they wondered if the project would be understood, given that it makes sense only in a Ukrainian context and is intended for the Ukrainian reader. It seems that it would be unsuitable for the foreign art expert… But in the end we decided to take a risk and provide a small selection of texts for “beyond Ukraine” using the somewhat surprising name “Useless Reading.” At first glance it’s provocative and resembles more an artistic action. However, by using it, we are stressing the local nature of our project…Perhaps a similar idea is concealed in the Ukrainian name of the project. In Ukrainian “kram” means goods, wares, merchandise. Though in the local context, it’s not that works of art aren’t completely unnecessary, at present they’re not understood; nobody knows “what’s it for?” and “what do you make of this?” Simply speaking, there exists almost no hermeneutic tradition of art messages that require not some kind of ideological perception, but more than anything else – interpretation…Although we don’t claim to have completely filled this niche…
Web URL:

  • Durchschlag

Durchschlag is a Ukrainian art e-zine established in 2007. Like HudRada, it is a collective venture in which the editorial board invites contributions from all interested parties and manages the compi…

Durchschlag is a Ukrainian art e-zine established in 2007. Like HudRada, it is a collective venture in which the editorial board invites contributions from all interested parties and manages the compilation of each issue as a group, playing down the role of individual authority.
Web URL:

  • “Dzyga” Gallery

Adress: 79008 35, Virmenska str., Lviv, Ukraine
tel. (+38032) 276-74-20; (+38032) 297-56-12
Web URL:

  • “Dzyga office”

Art Association “Dzyga” is a conglomeration of artists, public figures, businessmen assembled by different kinds of  cultural, creative  projects &  objects, namely clubs, festivals, media-projects, etc. It was founded in 1993 and united the representatives of “Students  Brotherhood” /pro-independence Ukrainian students  movement, 1989-1993/,  vanguard art circles /“Shlyakh” , 1989-1992/ and L’viv  Underground musicians /“Club Shanuval’nykiv  Chaju,  “ Mertvyj  Piven’”,  Festival of Underground ”Vy-Vyh” /
Adress: 79030  102 , Zelena str., Lviv, Ukraine
tel. (+3032) 244-47-78
fax: (+3032) 244-47-79
e-mail: [email protected]This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
office-manager: (050) 370-38-26[@] (Volodymyr Rozbytsky)
Web URL:

  • Collection Gallery

Collection Gallery, founded by Yuriy Kogutyak in 2006, specializes in contemporary art created by the most talented artists in Ukraine.
Collection’s offerings include works key to the burgeoning Ukrainian сontemporary art scene – works of historic and artistic value, that ask questions and shape attitudes. With their influence on the next generation of artists, these artworks can only grow in value.

Adress: Ukraine, Kyiv, 8 Pankivska Str., Tel/Fax: +38 044 287 37 66/62

Collection Gallery open from Tuesday till Sunday, 10 a.m – 7 p.m. and by appointment. Private Preview is available. Most of reproductions presented at the site are still available for purchase.

Please contact for partnership, booking details and prices:
Daryna Zholdak
+38 067 401 12 01
[email protected]
Web URL:

  • Aspect Art Gallery

The Contemporary Art Gallery Aspect was opened at 4th of October 2005. It is situated in the centre of city of Plovdiv, in the pedestrian zone next to the Municipality. The gallery organizes general, thematic and individual exhibitions. Our ambition is to represent approved modern painters and to give an opportunity for expression to young artists. There are no style or genre limitations with the selection of the paintings. We assess an art work according to its quality and significance, which speaks most for the author.
Adress: Stefan Stambolov sq. # 1а
Plovdiv 4000
Phone: +359 32 511 147
e-mail: [email protected]
Olga Petrova – manager
Dima Ubinova – assistentWork time: Monday – Friday – 10.00 – 19.00, Saturday- 11.00 – 17.00, Sunday – closed
Web URL:


Macedonia Art

Museum of the City of Skopje

The museum is located at the old railway station, in a memorable building partly ruined in the city’s earthquake in 1963.  It is established in 1949, and from 1970 it is located at the old railway station. Since then, the institution works on complex themes and connect archaeology, history, ethnology, art history in the region of the city of Skopje. The collection is consisted with 21.950 museum artifacts and works, divided in four sections: archaeology, history, ethnology and art history.  The museum archive contains 182 photographs of doyen of the Macedonian art photography, Blagoja Drnkov, as well as donation of the Japanese graphic Ukiyoe. Macedonian artist LJubomir Belogaski gave to the museum 159 of his works, mostly watercolor paintings. This collection has an exclusive value, it is frst of this kind in the Republic of Macedonia and it enabled the formation of the museum gallery, that is named after Belogaski.

The museum has its permanent exhibition, “Walk through the past”, that contains works from prehistoric period, until the end of 20th Century. Part of the museum is The Open Graphic studio, that opened in 1994 and has an international character.

Address Mito Hadzivasilev nn

1000 Skopje, Repblic of Macedonia

Telephone + 389 2 3 115 367

Email [email protected]

Museum of Macedonia

Museum of Macedonia is one of the oldest museums in the country. Its collection is formed at the beginning of the 20 century. The museum is located in the Skopje Old Bazaar, at 10.000 square meters, of which 6000 square meters is a gallery space for exhibitions.

The museum is a national institution with a complex works: gathering, exploring, preserving, conservation and presentation of the cultural and historical heritage of Macedonia, from the prehistoric times until today. It has archaeological collections, ethnologic, history and history of art collections.

Part of the Museum is the Kursumli an, a cultural monument from the middle 16 century. Its beautiful space is often used for musical, theatrical and exhibition events.

Adress: Kjurcisa nn

1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

+389 2 3116 044

e-mail: [email protected]

Museum of Contemporary arts

The Museum of Contemporary Art is the most competent and influential institution in the Republic of Macedonia in discovering, treasuring and preserving the great value of the art and culture of our age.

It houses a precious international collection and provides a representative insight into modern Macedonian art. In addition to its collection, the Museum organizes major exhibitions and events of Macedonian and foreign art, discussions with artists, panels, film and video presentations, lectures and a variety of other activities.

The collection is made up of two segments: international and national.
The international segment of the collections reflects the modern art from almost all parts of the world. The bigger part of the collection marks the art movements of the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s, although it contains also around a hundred works of the early modern art. The older exhibits are mainly marked by works of Emil Filla, František Muzika, Fernand Léger, André Masson, etc. The works of the internationally well-known artists are of special importance, such as: Pablo Picasso, Hans Hartung, Victor Vasarely, Alexander Calder, Pierre Soulages, Henryk Staževski, Alberto Burri, Christo, Enrico Bay, Robert Jacobsen, Etienne Hajdu, Zoltan Kemeny, Robert Adams, Emilio Vedova, Antoni Clavé, Georg Baselitz…
The national collection of the Museum enables to follow the development of the fine art in Macedonia with all its specific features, starting from the middle of the 20th century with the appearance of the first generation of contemporary artists – the founders of Macedonian modern art: Dimitar Pandilov, Lazar Licenoski, Nikola Martinoski, Dimo Todorovski, all the way to the generations that have appeared after WW 2: Dimitar Kondovski, Risto Lozanoski, Petar Mazev, Dušan Percinkov, Rodoljub Anastasov, Tanas Lulovski, Jordan Grabuloski, Aneta Svetieva, Dimitar Manev, Gligor Stefanov, Petre Nikoloski, Blagoja Maneski, Jovan Šumkovski, etc.

Address:Samoilova nn.

P.O box 482

1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

telephone +389 2 311 77 36

[email protected]

National Gallery of Macedonia

The National Gallery of Macedonia is housed in three objects:

Exhibiting showroom Daut Pašin Amam

Exhibiting showroom Čifte Amam

Multimedia centre Mala Stanica


14th – 20th centuries

The permanent display is located in the National Gallery of Macedonia, which was founded in 1948 and is today one of the oldest art institutions in the Republic of Macedonia. It is housed in a cultural-historical monument of the Islamic profane architecture – Daut Pašin Amam. The object – bath is composed of male and female departments covering an area of 900m2, erected by Daut Paša in the second half of the 15th century. With its permanent display the National Gallery once again confirms its major role in the Macedonian fine art as the centre and evaluating substrate which is presenting itself to both the domestic and foreign public.
Along with the permanent display the National Gallery of Macedonia also has other collections:

Collection of Macedonian Drawings

Collection of Macedonian Graphic Art

Collection of former Yugoslavian artists

Daut Pasin Amam +389 2 3133 102

Cifte Amam +389 2 3227 986

Mala Stanica +389 2 3126 856

contact e-mail [email protected]


Slovenia Art

Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture is a centre for contemporary and urban creativity serving Ljubljana and Slovenia in general. It is the first and only project of the kind in the region, primarily dedicated to music, theatre, dance and experimental events, while it will also ensure production facilities (rehearsal, labs and studios). The programme of Kino Šiška represents and combines the urban life, multiculturalism, a politically unbiased attitude and advanced technology, at the same time encouraging innovation, creativity and international cooperation.

Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture
Trg Prekomorskih brigad 3
1000 Ljubljana
Box Office: 386 30 310 110
Project Manager Piera R. June, [email protected]

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