In perioada 14-27 martie grupul focAR va porni la drum impreuna cu The Travellers Box Project.
Transferul de proiect in Londra ar putea aduce o nouă direcţie proiectului. Acum este posibilă observarea prin comparatie a monumentelor din cele două capitale, Bucuresti si Londra. Punctele de interes ale cercetării sunt conceptul, urbanismul, artistul, tehnica şi comanditarul (statul). Fiind o expresie vizuala a unei atitudini publice, monumentele istorice s-au dezvoltat întotdeauna între cele două extreme – acceptarea, evocarea pioasa a unui trecut glorios şi de contestare.
“MOnuMENTS” este un proiect artistic, care propune o reflecţie culturala şi sociala, care vizeaza un dialog intre spaţiul rural şi urban, intre mentalitati diferite, intre trecut si prezent.
“MOnuMENTS” reprezinta un raspuns firesc, organic al artistilor la aceste mutatii si reconfigurari. Rezultatul imediat il reprezinta documentarea diversitatii ca mixtura intre dezvoltarea urbana si cea rurala, intre gesturi culturale si gesturi individuale sau colective. Misiunea proiectului este de natura “work in progress”, adica posibilitati continue de lucru, asocieri, schimbari si dinamica sociala. Avem de a face cu gesturi individuale sau colective, in reprezentari diferite dar folosind tehnici similare. “MOnuMENTS” prezinta realitatea prin farmecul gestului, citatelor culturale si imagistice care au fost interpretate intre metaforic si abstract.
Monumentele au avut întotdeauna un caracter dual: pe de o parte au comemorat istoria, iar pe de altă parte, acestea au fost contestate de mai multe grupuri sociale, care s-au opus anumitor tendinţe ideologice. Acest studiu este necesar peste tot, oferind astfel mai multe informatii modelate în piatră cu privire la ideologiile diferite şi momentele istorice.
Cercetarea a început în 2007, dar deschiderea oficială a proiectului s-a produs în 2009, atunci când am facut o actiune cu scopul de a atrage atenţia asupra unor monumente uitate sau aflate intr-o stare de degradare vizibila. Primul traseu l-am parcurs intre Constanta-Bucuresti, avand astfel ocazia să observam diferenţele dintre monumentele din mediul urban şi rural.
Pentru mai multe detalii vizitati
Proiectul “The Travellers Box” este un discurs artistic intre artisti, prin care atat analiza cat si productia joaca un rol important. Fundamentul sau se bazeaza pe notiunea de colaborare intre diferitele ganduri, puncte de vedere ale artistilor si interactiunea cu Cutia se combina cu relatii care se dezvolta din aceasta cauza si se manifesta in diferite forme. Crearea si interpretarea sa este, prin urmare, condusa de artisti prin interactiunea cu Cutia, dar de asemenea prin crearea unei serii de relatii prin internet, atat la nivel national cat si global. Astfel, speram ca multe relatii si conversatii sunt examinate si se dezvolta pe masura ce proiectul se desfasoara. De asemenea, datorita naturii mobile si globale a proiectului, acesta este in continua evolutie si, prin urmare destul de instabil si maleabil.
Context si istoric
Creat si conceput de artistul danez Lars Vilhelmsen, “Cutia secreta de calator” a fost pus in miscare in May 2004 Lars continuand investigatiile intr-o sinteza de viata si art ace a geberat implicarea artistilor din toata Europa, incluzand Danemarca, Suedia, Germania si UK; fiecare din ei intraband si raspunzand diviziunilor invizibile care persista intre arta si identitate existenta culturala si de locatie, practici culturale si obiceiuri, sentimentul spatiului si notiuni de calatorie.
Pentru mai multe detalii vizitati
Curator Lars Vilhelmsen
Syrenvej 51
9310 Vodskov
Co-curator Karen Ay
JJ&J HQ Studios, 191-205 Cambridge Heath Road ,
London E2 0EL UK
focAR group (Alina Tudor and Razvan Neagoe)
104 Boleyn Road
London E7 9QG
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Research and Documentation – “MOnuMENTS” Project is set to arrive in London .
In between 14-27 of March focAR group will set off together with “The Travelers Box” Project.
focAR group’s action is part of The Travelers Box Project. The event will take place in the very heart of London .
Transferring the project in London may bring a new direction to the project. It is now possible to suggest a comparison – the observation of the monuments from the two capitals. The interest points of the research are the concept, the urbanism, the artist, the techniques and the general partner, (the state) as well. Being a visual expression of a public attitude, the monuments history has always developed between the two extremes – the pious acceptance, while evoking a glorious past and disproof.
Background and History
“MOnuMENTS” is an artistic project, which proposes a cultural and social reflection; aiming at a dialogue between rural and urban spaces, between different mentalities, between past and present.
“MOnuMENTS” is a natural, organic response from the artists to all these mutations and reconfigurations of the present time. The immediate result is the documentation of the diversity as a mixture between the urban and rural development, between cultural gestures and collective and individual gestures.
The mission of the project is a “work in progress” nature, which means ongoing working possibilities, means associations, changes and social dynamics. We are dealing with cultural gestures as well as individual or collective gestures, in between different representations but using similar techniques. “MOnuMENTS” presents the reality through the enticement of gesture, cultural and imagistic quotes which get filter and interpreted, and the balance in between metaphorical and abstract.
Monuments have always had a dual character: on one hand they commemorated history, and on the other hand they have been contested by many social groups which opposed certain ideological tendencies. The studying of monuments is a necessary study everywhere, as they offer many dates that are carved in stone regarding various ideologies and historical moments.
Our research started in 2007, but the project officially opened in 2009, when we made a performance aiming to attract the attention of forgotten monuments or the ones in a state of visible decay. This happened on the route from Constantza to Bucharest when we had the opportunity to notice the differences between urban and rural exhibited monuments.
For more details
“The Travellers Box” project is an artistic discourse between artists, whereby both analysis and production play a part. Its foundation rests on the notion of collaboration in those individual artists’ viewpoints, thoughts and interactions with the Box combine with the relationships that develop because of it, and manifest themselves in various forms. Its creation and interpretation is therefore driven by artists both interacting with the Box but also building a series of networked relationships, both nationally and globally. From this, we hope that many relationships and conversations are explored and developed as the project unfolds. As well, because of the mobile, global nature of the project, it is constantly evolving and therefore in some ways, quite unfixed and malleable.
Background and History
Originated and conceived by Danish artist Lars Vilhelmsen, the Travellers Secret Box was first set in motion in May of 2004. Lars’ continuing investigations into the synthesis of life and art generated a project involving artists from all over Europe, including Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany and the UK; each in their own way questioning and responding to the invisible divisions which persist between art and the existent, cultural identity and location, cultural practices and custom, sense of space and notions of travel.
For more details
Curator Lars Vilhelmsen
Syrenvej 51
9310 Vodskov
Co-curator Karen Ay
JJ&J HQ Studios, 191-205 Cambridge Heath Road ,
London E2 0EL UK
focAR group (Alina Tudor and Razvan Neagoe)
104 Boleyn Road
London E7 9QG
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