cordially invites you, on Friday, May 16, from 5-7 p.m.
to the opening reception of the exhibition
curator: Marian Mazzone
The exhibition will be on view from May 16 to June 20, 2008
A gallery talk by Călin Dan will take place on Saturday, May 17 at 1 p.m.
This exhibition, curated by Marian Mazzone, features a selection of works from Calin Dan’s
on-going Emotional Architecture project, as well as work Dan created in response to his visit
to Charleston earlier this spring. Charleston’s history, as it is traced in the city’s urban fabric
and remnant images, has been incorporated into Dan’s long-term interest in architecture and
memory. Using documentary images from the 1886 earthquake preserved in the holdings of
the South Caroliniana Library at the University of South Carolina, nineteenth and twentieth
century photographs from area archives, audio from films such as The Patriot, and video
material gathered on-site, Dan focuses our attention on the complex, mixing layers of time
and experience left on our buildings, on our city, and on our culture—and what we make
of them in our lives today. For Dan, these images contain the ghostly traces of the past
that leave fissures on our present—like the post-earthquake fissures left on the landscape,
the cracks in the structure of Randolph Hall, and the remnants of history that project into
our present. Fissures are also separating forces, cracks that open between spaces, allowing us
to manipulate what we see and understand about our environment.
Generous support of Calin Dan’s visits to Charleston and this exhibition was provided by
the Mondriaan Foundation of the Netherlands, and the College of Charleston, including the
Provost’s Discretionary Fund, the Dean of the School of the Arts, and the Dean of the
School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
The Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art is located
within the Simons Center for the Arts at 54 St. Phillip Street.
Gallery hours are Monday-Saturday, 11 – 4 p.m.
Parking is available in the St. Phillip Street Garages
For more information contact the Halsey Institute of
Contemporary Art at (843) 953-5680 or visit the
website at www.halsey.cofc.edu.
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