prezentarea timp de o luna a unei lucrari recent create, selectata de un curator MNAC / on display of a newly created work exhibited one month, chosen by a MNAC curator
Geta Bratescu & Ion Grigorescu
chosen by Magda Radu
pana la / until 15 ianuarie/ January
Atelierul reprezinta pentru Geta Bratescu un spatiu al auto-explorarii si al jocului; aici o vedem pe artista realizind o serie de actiuni familiare pentru cei care ii cunosc deja parcursul: desenul automatic, machiajul ritualic, masca alba prin care artista se proiecteaza pe sine ca artificiu, ca dublu. Camera de filmat insista asupra dulapului intesat cu mici afise, fotografii si vederi ce compun o arhiva de imagini cu exemple din antichitatea greaca si pina la Matthew Barney. Imaginea oglindita a celui care filmeaza, Ion Grigorescu, ne semnaleaza faptul ca el insusi devine parte integranta a acestei memorii vizuale. In acelasi timp, este subliniata legatura strinsa dintre cei doi, jocul dublu intre artistul care minuieste camera si artistul care isi joaca rolul in fata acesteia
For Geta Bratescu, the studio represents a space of self-knowledge and play; here, we can see the artist performing a series of actions which are familiar to those who already know her work: the automatic drawing, the ritual of the make-up, the white mask which stands for her self-constructed persona, for her double. The camera lingers on the cupboard covered with many posters, photos and postcards which make up a visual archive with examples ranging from the Greek Antiquity to Matthew Barney. Ion Grigorescuâs reflection in the mirror, handling the camera, signals that he himself is part of this visual memory. It also points to the close relationship between the two artists, to the double play that takes place between the artist behind the camera and the one who plays a role in front of it.
The National Museum of Contemporary Art2-4, Str. Izvor, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,
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