Urs Luethi
24 noiembrie/ November 2006 – 11 februarie/ February 2007
vernisaj/ opening: 24 noiembrie/ November, 18h00
curator Florin Tudor
MNAC, Calea 13 Septembrie, Bucuresti
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Seria de autoportrete fotografice Just another story about leaving descrie degradarea progresiva (dar nu si declinul) unui chip, al aceluiasi chip care oscileaza intre masculin si feminin, si care, intr-o aparenta anticipare autobiografica se proiecteaza identificandu-se intr-un mod indistinct cu figura tatalui sau a mamei.
Complexitatea expresiei si univocitatea temei coexista, iar aceasta trasatura paradoxala nu este decat prima si cea mai imediata dintr-o serie intreaga de opozitii dialectice care structureaza opera artistului elvetian; aceasta se disperseaza in ambivalenta dintre adevar si aparenta, natural si artificial, haos si ordine, cultura inalta si kitsch, banal si sublim, nebunie si intelepciune, tragic si burlesc.
Aceste imagini se refera la structura oculara, la spectacolul irisului si al punctului negru al pupilei. Si totusi, aceste opere nu sunt decat un portret al lumii care priveste spre sine, portretul nostru. Iâll be your mirror. In aceste lucrari exista ceva care ne provoaca, un amestec de dezgust si atractie pe care spectatorul il incerca si atunci cand intersecta privirea autoportretelor artistului din anii â70. Luethi ne pune in fata o oglinda, amintindu-ne de imaginea noastra in revers, adunindu-ne in jurul golului dorintei, al abisului care, in mod paradoxal, ne sustine.
Tiziano Santi
The series of photographical self-portraits Just another story about leaving depicts the gradual transformation (but never the decline) of a face oscillating between masculine and feminine, a face which as if anticipating its own autobiography seeks to project itself through indistinctive identification with the father or the mother figure.
The complexity of the expression and the continuity of the theme coexist and this paradoxical feature is only the first and the most conspicuous in an entire series of dialectical opposites structuring the work of the Swiss artist; his work thrives on the ambivalence between truth and appearance, natural and artificial, order and chaos, high culture and kitsch, banality and sublime, madness and wisdom, the tragic and the burlesque.
These images seem to allude to the structure of the eye, to the sight of the iris and the black opening of the pupil. And still, these works are merely a portrait of the world gazing at itself, a portrait of us all. I ll be your mirror. There is something provocative, a combination of both attraction and repulsion that met the eyes of the spectator in the 70s portraits as well. Luthi wants to give us a mirror, as if to remind us of our reversed image, gathering us around the emptiness of the desire, around this abyss that somehow, paradoxically, sustains us.
Tiziano Santi
cu sprijinul / with the support of: Artbug – Dieda Gallery, Goethe-Institut Bukarest
Parteneri MNAC/ Partners: HP, BRD
Sponsor: Peroni
Partneri media/ Media partners: 24 Fun, Re:PUBLIK, Igloo, Arhitectura, Rfi, Time Out Bucuresti
The National Museum of Contemporary Art
2-4, Str. Izvor, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38, www.mnac.ro
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