in cadrul campaniei de promovare a Bucurestilor ca prototip al satului global, subREAL organizeaza:
The Welcome Bucharest Night
la BINZ ’39
Sihlquai 133
CH-1010 Zürich
Miercuri 29.09.2004
de la orele 19:00 in sus si in jos
Video, Foto, Carti si Harti, muzica de la manele la alte cele, bauturi, gustari, lume.
avand in vedere densitatea de vorbitori ai limbii noastre nationale pe strazile Zurich-ului, nu e exclus ca si cititori ai acestei liste sa se afle prin capitala dadaismului. Sa ne vedem sanatosi,
Calin & Iosif
The Welcome Bucharest Night
Through movies, videos, pictures, music, books and talks the Romanian artist duo subREAL will present urban, social, and cultural aspects of the Romanian metropolis, and initiate the dialogue with Zurich.
Calin Dan and Iosif Király are invited by PROJEKT ART+ from August to October 2004 as artists-in-residence in a studio at BINZ39.
Through the project INTERVIEWING THE CITIES subREAL and the initiative PROJEKT ART+ bring a platform to Zurich encouraging a cross-culture and multidisciplinary dialogue on current questions and developments in urban context: city planning and architecture, city spaces, patterns and rhythms, urban structures and community development, diversification and fragmentation, social and cultural identities, urbanisation / deurbanisation and communal policy.
The stay of the artists is kindly supported by: Präsidialdepartement der Stadt Zürich, Bundesamt für Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Georges undJenny Bloch Stiftung, F+F Schule für Kunst und Mediendesign Zürich, Höhere Fachschule für Farbgestaltung Zürich, Pro Helvetia Bukarest, the Royal Dutch Embassy Bern and private donors.
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